T-Mobile set to pay $40M Dollar Fine for false dial tones.
Its not that no ones wants to talk to you. Your service provider is just lying to you, thats all.

This, of course, isn't just a T-Mobile practice but is industry standard. How do I know this? Because once one major company gets caught doing something malicious, you can bet your ass they are ALL doing it. T-mobile<a href=https://gizmodo.com/t-mobile-fined-40-million-after-tricking-rural-custome-1825300123"> just got caught and consequently has to pay a measly 40M of its 7.6B networth for outwright deceiving its customers. Also, this has going on for years and the customers don't receive a dime of that. Instead, it goes to the organization that continously tries to repeal net neutrality, the FCC.

I actually own two phones, an Iphone with AT&T and a Galaxy J7 with Consumer Cellular(Who?). Why? Somehow, that is the result of my frivilous journey to get good service while avoiding paying a ridicilous Verizon bill after they tacked on hidden fees for no fucking reason.
But when AT&T or CC fail, they just don't dial at all or I get an error message with an automated voice that is Male instead of Female, a clear indication that they aren't fucking around and I really don't have service or better yet they really don't have nationwide coverage.
But we already knew that...we already knew they don't care about us...we already knew there is nothing we can do about it.....we already knew not having or carrying a cell phone is endangering yourself and the psyches of your loved ones....and we knew that they know that. We do have ONE option though: