How to really be successful with women? (strictly for redpill alpha men)

in #life9 years ago (edited)

How to really be successful with women (strictly for redpill alpha men)

This is a response to @msgivings post:

I think the "be the nice guy" advise she is giving there, is total bs, and if you treat women like that, you are self-identifying as "beta man", and she will treat you like crap, and she will think you are a doormat she can walk all over.

Listen to what Tom Leykis says about this topic:

And listen to what women respond to not what they say...

Who do they really get wet for, who do they actually want to have sex with?

Women are attracted to men who have their life together... Who don't make her #1 priority, who breaks their promises to them, etc... :P

Have your boundaries, set and enforce your own rules, "I'm happy with my life, with or without you, if you want to jump in, here are the rules, and if you don't, that's ok too" attitude.

Have the confidence to exude the idea that, she should be working for your attention, and have what do you bring to the table? attitude, where you qualify her...

You don't even need to say those words but show it with your attitude.

Also listen to the female callers.

So what do you think? Do you get women more easily following my advice or @msgivings?