Greetings My friends. Today I am gonna share with you a secret.
You know what's the most word I hate to hear every time i do something different from people

they just are not happy with everything.For me, they just seeing thing from other looks. It's not like we all seething with the same eye.
They re trying to get me be what they !..WANT..!
Let's start
They are not ok with how I fucking dance for example. You shouldn't move like this change this do that. Others are not happy with how I dress
-this isn't fine Oussema ! you have no taste!
I know that most of the time they are right and it's always OK to hear others people's Opinion, But as me personly Oussema Lamine I just don't give a fuck.
So my question is why people are putting a time to focus on things I don't give a fuck about

But wait I do care about things...
I care about my words. My ways with others. With what I have deep in my mind. I care about the little thing that people now doesn't give a damn about it.
To be clear with my words this is a short life and if we spend it looking to the wrong side I believe that we wasting the point.

You know what's the most word I hate to hear every time i do something different from people

they just are not happy with everything.For me, they just seeing thing from other looks. It's not like we all seething with the same eye.
They re trying to get me be what they !..WANT..!
Let's start
They are not ok with how I fucking dance for example. You shouldn't move like this change this do that. Others are not happy with how I dress
-this isn't fine Oussema ! you have no taste!
I know that most of the time they are right and it's always OK to hear others people's Opinion, But as me personly Oussema Lamine I just don't give a fuck.
So my question is why people are putting a time to focus on things I don't give a fuck about

But wait I do care about things...
I care about my words. My ways with others. With what I have deep in my mind. I care about the little thing that people now doesn't give a damn about it.
To be clear with my words this is a short life and if we spend it looking to the wrong side I believe that we wasting the point.

I love life quotes they make me feel alive !