The Addiction : Fight your addiction .

in #life6 years ago

The human mind is naturally curious and aims to try out new things, some of which might be detrimental to it and the body in general. This detrimental pastime usually ends up being an addiction because of the promise of freedom, the false sense of living a stress-free life and the high that comes with partaking in the activity. Alongside the false promises addiction makes, it also robs you of valuable things.

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It is hard overcoming an addiction. Very difficult. To do it, you must first recognize that you have an addiction. With this done, you must decide and believe you can quit it. Then go ahead and start making moves to quit.

The first half of this article will cover what your addiction is taking away from you while the second part covers tips on how to overcome your addiction.

Your addiction is taking away your time :

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Time is a priceless asset. It waits for no man and once lost, can never be regained. Some even equate time with money. If you devote your time to something productive and innovative, there is a high chance that a few years down the line, you would start reaping the major profit. This could go for anything; your studies, career, and business.

Your addiction is taking away your relationships:

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I am speaking of the long-term here. No one wants to be with an addict. Some may try out of a desire to save you but sooner or later, you would find them slipping away. It is not because they hate you or cannot stand you, it is because of the strain it puts on them and the amount of energy it drains .

Don't lose heart , instead size control of your life and battle the addiction to a standstill . Many of famous person has had to do this and now they are back in their feet . They are doing so well nary a person members they were once in very bad place .

Now , how do you overcome your addiction ? How do you get on with things after you have accepted you are an addict and are tired of losing your time and friends .

Draw up a plan :

No thing is going to happen if you simply sit around and hope for the best . You have to draw up a plan of action that would culminate in your overcoming the addiction .

This plan needs milestones that would show that you are in the path of success , this plan might even just be a decision to go and seek professional help . The key thing is you must have a plan that would holistically eradicate your desire to indulge your addiction .

You can write down the positives of fighting the addiction and the things it is costing you , after this paste it somewhere you can see it daily and be regularly motivated .

Surround yourself with people who can and want to help you :


If there is someone you now who would be glad to give of their time and resources to help you overcome your addiction
, Go to him/her and ask for help , do not let your ego get in the way of your recovery . There is no shame in seeking help from people who only want good things to happen to you , here's why you should do this :

  • they would stick to you and give you support where your own strength fails you .

  • they would not let you quit , letting you see and know that you are not in the fight alone .

It is always good to have good and dependable people around you when you decide to embark on the journey to beat your addiction .

  • seek professional help :

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Addiction is detrimental to both a person's physical and mental health and it does require serious supervision , trying to follow the aforementioned tips is good for staying focused but at the same time , you might require help only a professional can provide . It is advisable that you seek out a therapist or doctor when you have an addition .

What did we learn ?!

  • take your addiction seriously .

  • note down the factors that can help you quit your addiction .

  • surround yourself with the right set of people .

  • seek a professional help .

  • find the urge to fight and beat your addiction .

  • and follow me !

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