The people that i meet: Tale one- woes of the bus lady.

in #life7 years ago

After finishing up my first days work at the cinema, i was feeling rather chipper, full of social energy and alot more like my old self before i had begun a heavy weed dependence and random bouts of depression. This energy showed in the way i carried myself and interacted with the new people around me, almost as if they had never existed before that weed dependence of mine.

So after my shift ended i headed for the bus stop and although i didn't fully need to ask the pretty lady shuffling around the stop if she was taking the same bus and if she knew what time it was to arrive at, i felt somewhat inspired to. Alas she was not taking it and thus didn't know the time it was to be there at so i retreated back to my seat. Then with almost comic timing a haggard old lady wearing what i can only describe as the coat that shrek wears but fluffier crossed the street and asked her the exact same question.

So i piped up and said to the haggard lady that i was waiting for the same bus, she saw an opening for conversation and begun a tirade of chatter seemingly mindless of the content of the words that brushed past her large mustache on their way out.

The conversation started off innocent enough although her frequent praising of jesus, self blessings and generally skittish behavior had me cued into what i had gotten myself into. I think the shit hit the fan when she started to talk about the homeless, she mentioned very casually that she had once been homeless which surprised me as my initial thought had been "this crazy mustached bitch is homeless".

Now that alone was a rather dark tone to throw into a five minute conversation but it got darker when she had told me she had been raped whilst homeless and as a result got pregnant. Boom the conversation gets pitch black, before it was kind of a deep late evening dusk but this bitch brought the fucking eclipse when she blurted out that she had managed to find a hospital late into the pregnancy and during the one of her nights there had a huge miscarriage, the mental image alone has altered my sleep cycle considerably.

She ran on with her tirade of chatter, telling me a number of obscene things but to credit the lady she seemed very happy at the time, soldiered on through her dark past and now here she was at a bus stop telling me how stoked she was to have bought some biscuits, i took one look in the bag she displayed to me and thought "Custard creams, yup this bitch is definitely crazy".

While she was telling me that she lived in Stepaside and was on her way straight home, the bus arrived and we went our separate ways to our separate seats which disappointed me a tad as i was wondering about what other personal information could i glean from this crazy road troll but the plot thickened when she got off in Sandyford village instead and disappeared into a set of bushed. Perhaps further investigation is required into the life and times of this strange creation. I'll update y'all on my findings if any.