Such as... sometimes what we think we want may really not be what is actually best for us....
The decision of setting a goal , and going after what we want does seems right to anyone who hears it. But the truth of the matter isn’t bitter but the fact . Some do find it bitter and fail to come to the reality of it , some got to realize and amend their course as it dawns on them that the goal they set is not what is best for them.
We don’t always know what life / the universe may have in store that is far better than what we might choose for ourselves, based in our limited awareness.
We never know what opportunities and blessings we might end up cutting ourselves off from, were we to so fervently think we know what is best for us.
And of course, there’s always the bit: what we think we want might actually end up being very different than we imagined it as.
This is so true about me talking from personal experience. I never knew I could be a singer , If I had known then I wouldn’t had studied Computer Science in College but Music. Now I realized my goal of being a computer scientist isn’t the best for me after all, I’ve earned nothing from being a computer scientist but I’ve earned some good and kind hearted friends with music and their support has been a blessing.
They say “luck = preparation meets opportunity,” and I had undergone alot of preparation. But there was no goal I ever could have set to have created the opportunity - whereas it presented itself in perfect timing.
Hmmmmm true words, preparations meets opportunity. Only a prepared mind is ready to flow with life the way it comes . Wrong goals pursuit will only get one going the wrong direction. Deep knowledge here I must say
That the opportunities leading to our wealth are probably not those we first think or expect.
Life lesson this is to me , I see myself walking the path I never imagined myself walk and I have no regrets.
For those who’ve been committed to cultivating their skills, investing in their knowledge, and tuning their senses to the changes occurring in the world - preparing themselves to create value when a specific opportunity arises that matches the talent they’ve diligently developed and is able to be effectively applied in tandem with the knowledge they’ve acquired... SURF’S UP.
Some valuable advice I must say, cultivating my skills, investing my knowledge and diligently developing my talents preparing myself for opportunities to arise are my newly found hobbies. Thanks @rok-sivante for impacting knowledge.
Well, there is probably something worthwhile you learned and gained through that chapter that may serve you well ahead, which you can leverage somehow in a different field, whether music or otherwise.
At least in my own life, there have been events and periods that seem scattered or unrelated - yet there comes a point of understanding of how the dots end up connecting, how while sometimes the steps seemed like they may have been going in “wrong,” distracting directions - the pieces of the puzzle end up fitting together quite well.
(Or maybe I’m still just trying to rationalize my decade of procrastination in having continually put producing music on the back burner. In either case... as having been through that, I’d advise that if you are strongly feeling the call to music, DO IT. And I wouldn’t say that if I didn’t recognize multiple talents you already have to work with that are fundamental to success on that path. ;-)
Yeah yeah , you’re so right . The knowledge I got there leads to how I figured out to making my music from my phone. A mobile studio I love to describe it as.
Yes I do , music is the only thing I do that seems effortless to me despite the whole lots of effort I put into it. Music is a life I want to live but limitations to dreams are inevitable. I look to have a degree in music , that is to professionally be trained to manage my vocals and of course in music production. This is a plan I’m gonna work hard to carry out cause I’m not seeing it as a dream anymore. No more setting goals but preparing myself for opportunities.
Thankfully, in this day and age, formal education is much less important/valuable - in fields like music, in particular.
Sometimes experience trumps classroom learning, practice being incredibly more powerful than being preached to. And, there is so much education online for free or cheap nowadays, that much of what you could learn studying music in school, you could simply find on YouTube.
Two of the best music production educational resources I’ve come across over the years:
Sonic Academy
Both are very reasonably priced around $15-30/month, and well-worth it, as they have great tutorials.
And then again, YouTube is always a great source.
You’re right about this , you’re so right . I used to think having a musical degree is the best for me , it turned out that what I feel is best for me isn’t afterall. This is no longer a goal, all I need is to just prepare myself for opportunities which could be opened up to me. Thanks for mentoring, you’re so much appreciated sir .
Checking those music production educational resources out .