Time : Your greatest resources.
Every successful businessperson, when planning for the future, takes stock of business assets and available resources.
You have already looked at your assets and, in particular, the greatest asset of all, your brain. I trust that by now you believe in yourself, your greatest asset, and that you have faith in what that asset will do for you. So now let us concentrate on resources and on the greatest resource of all. This is a bank account that we all have in common, but a bank account with peculiarities: you cannot invest into this account, make a deposit or obtain a statement, all you can do is withdraw. It is the bank account of time. Every day, we take another day out of this bank account, yet this valuable resource cannot be replaced. It is tragic that so many people take their time for granted and undervalue each day. It only takes a visit to a hospice to spend time with people who are terminally ill to truly understand the value of time and of using it well.
If we are really fortunate, our time is divided in three ways:
- Third of our life at work
- Third at play (evenings, weekends, holidays and retirement)
- Third asleep
If people are happy at work, they are generally more happy at play and vice versa. I believe that if people are unhappy in their private lives it can affect their performance and, of course, success at work.
As I understand it, the primary reason for going to work is to earn some money. Why do we want the money? To pay for our play time.
Of course, it is quite true that we go to work for lots of reasons, and the greatest motivator in the world for all of us is to do something we enjoy. If we can achieve this during work time, fantastic.