in #life8 years ago

Humanity over the past several decades have made a breakthrough in many fields. This also applies to medicine. Who would have thought so three years ago, that people learn to do the heart transplant will come up with anatomic prostheses, will find a cure for the plague and cholera... But sadly the development of new diseases to keep pace with humanity. The 20th century gave us the AIDS and many other terrible diseases. But the new age will bring their terrible "surprises". To the "old friends" join a new, previously unknown disease. What are the diseases killing the people in the new century?
This term brought the Viennese pediatrician Clemens Von Pirch in the early 20th century. He noticed that many of his patients develop reaction to certain substances that surround us every day, for example, dust. Today, Allergy is one of the most common diseases on the planet. Almost 85% of people on Earth are the body's reaction to a certain product. That just is not allergic people to dust, food, sun, cold. On Earth there are some people who are allergic to... water, which consists our body. There are opinions that in a few years may not stay people who do not suffer from allergies. Who is to blame for such a deplorable situation? The people themselves. The more we use artificial additives in food, the more vulnerable becomes our body. And the chemicals we use at home, also adversely affects our body.
Obesity is becoming a disaster. If overweight person is more than 20%, it can be called patients with obesity. The worst thing is that this disease has affected children. UK, Canada, USA, Brazil, Germany is just a small list of countries where obesity has become a serious problem. All because of harmful food additives, the abundance of food and a sedentary way of life. If the calories that humans consume that are not burned, they are deposited in the form of fat. Only 5% of people who suffer from obesity, this disease caused by metabolic disorders. All other cases — excessive food intake. Think, well, what's so terrible, just unnecessary weight that can be reset. But everything is so simple. Obesity causes many diseases: hypertension, angina, the risk of developing diabetes, kidney failure, venous insufficiency, the risk of heart attack... And even if a person manages to lose weight, complications of obesity and then torturing the body.
Cancer has become one of the most common causes of death of inhabitants of the planet. Every year the number of cancer patients increases. Scientists have not given a clear answer what exactly causes cancer. But it is safe to say that these deaths result from a bad environment, radiation and a large amount of ultraviolet light in the environment, carcinogenic substances, some viruses. Scary to admit, but today cancer is significantly "younger". Cancer are all more common in young adults and children.
Depression the disease is not new. Knew about it in ancient times and was called "melancholia". But this extension, as it is now, depression is never known. This disorder affects people regardless of age and financial situation. Modern society puts a man in a rigid frame. We are constantly hurry, hurry, someone, something always needs. Frantic pace of life takes a lot of physical and moral strength. People who suffer from depression, constantly feeling tired, sad, stop to enjoy life, often cut off contact with friends, trying to hide from the world. Frequent companions of this disease be alcoholism, drug addiction and all sorts of phobias. Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression than men. Physiological symptoms of depression are manifested in the violation of sleep and appetite, lower energy, body aches.
A new phobia
All modern phobias to name a few. People are afraid of all that surrounds them. But new inventions give rise to new fears. One of the newest phobias, for example, the boss-phobia — fear of the chief. Gaining momentum telephonophobia. This disease was first described in the late 20th century. The cause of the disease can become a few conversations with rude people. The more cars, the more congestion. More and more residents of big cities suffer from traffic-phobia, fear of traffic jams. Every year road users are increasing, and, consequently, people fear the traffic jams also. At the end of the 20th century, fashion trends have given us a new standard of beauty — painfully thin woman with sunken eyes and highlighted cheekbones. How many girls around the world bring themselves to exhaustion to meet this fantasy. These fears turned into a new Thick-phobia. People suffering from this disease, are afraid to gain even one kilo. The emergence of excess grams on the scales generates panic, apathy, depression, and sometimes leads to anorexia. Women suffering from to Thick-phobia, refuse to have children, not to gain extra weight.
Keyboard tendent
For the first time about the disease began in 2005. The name speaks for itself. This disease arose from the fact that a lot of people write TEXT messages on their phones. Suffering on the keyboard tendent feel pain in your toes often swell, also dizziness, muscle pain and even loss of appetite.
Financial stupidity
Imagine, this disease affects thousands of people around the world. It causes him constant worry of monetary problems, the inability to dispose of their savings. Symptoms of this disease can be called a failure to arrange their finances, to do basic buying, you pay on the loan. The person may also experience upset stomach, diarrhea and even breathing difficulties.
It is sad, but almost every day scientists are discovering new diseases. And although the best minds of the planet are fighting for the health of mankind, but until they lose in an unequal battle with new and old ailments. I would like to people forget about the physical and mental pain, healthy and happy. Be healthy!


Source: https://miridei.com/interesnye-idei/neveroyatnye-fakty/bolezni_21_veka/

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