How To Astral Travel

in #life7 years ago (edited)


What is Astral Traveling? Is it real? And how might one go about doing this?

The Earth has been closed off from the universe for a very very long time now. Why? My belief is that Earth is like a program, like Word is a program on the computer. The universe is the operating system like Windows. When you are in Earth experiencing it, you cannot see other programs running outside of it out of the box. In the same way the computer has no concept of Excel when you are Experiencing Word.

Astral traveling is a natural of restoring yourself as citizen of the universe (the operating system), rather than only a citizen of the Earth (Word).


Through Astral traveling, you know what you are. Where you came from. And what your doing here. Also where you are going after you leave here. Always feel loved and never feel lonely.


Astral traveling works like a walkie talkie works. Humans do not use their walkie talkie to full capacity out of the box. They transmit energy out. But constantly keep their finger held on the button and never listen to energy coming back in.


Another way of looking at it. Is when you are put in a dark room, initially it all looks black to eye. After a short period of time your eyes adjust, then you can see detail in the room that was pitch black only a moment prior.

So who/what are we suppose to be listening too? There is a quiet voice inside all of us that is easily crowded out with all the noise of our modern lives. Like the dark room example, the longer you focus on listening to it eventually you become accustom to listening to it and hearing it clearly

The brain operates on 4 states

  1. Beta - normal thinking, talking, and day to day operation
  2. Alpha- daydreaming
  3. Theta and Delta- you are sleeping but your consciousness is not asleep


Most humans are always stuck in the Beta state. They don't take information from the other states seriously. In this state all of our energy is out going. Like the walkie talkie with the button down. We are not receiving any information back in.

So many may say what your talking about is meditation, and that is exactly what it is.

How to Astral Travel..

  1. Get comfortable.

  2. Breathe in and then out. Keep a count in your mind of each cycle.

  3. Focus your entire mind on your breath. If other Beta thoughts come into the mind, ignore them and let them go. Constantly focusing on the experience of breathing in, out, and counting.

  4. When you count 10 cycles start back at 1 again. Do this until your mind is not thinking about a single thing but this exercise.

Now you are in a state of no mind. Out of the Beta state and into the Alpha state. You can continue on this path and go deeper to Theta and Delta states if you want, but the goal here is to get completely out of the Beta state. All of these states of mind are scientifically valid and essential.

So whats gonna happen? What is the experience?..

  1. Your awareness will become heightened.

  2. You are able to connect consciously with your sub conscious mind. Your sub conscious mind is whats controlling your every action and decision.

  3. You will experience your body twitching. This is received energy from the universe coming back into you. The twitching is your energy levels raising, while your body is trying to contain the energy.

  4. Now this is where words serve no justice to explain. I'll try (and i know it will sound silly in a Beta state of mind). In this state of consciousness you can actually go to the Sun. Go inside the Sun for example and experience how blissful it is. If anyone has watched the Netflix series the Cosmos. The vehicle the author is riding on is a good illustration of the experience of astral travel.

  5. Getting this far is an understanding enough. But if you keep going you will encounter a huge flash of light. Like a nuclear bomb exploding with no noise. After that you will find yourself in a full color other realm. The place is very real and is not here. In this place you can gain understanding beyond any book on this planet.


This cannot be accomplished merely falling asleep. If you try this and constantly end up falling asleep. DO the exercise while staring at a candle burning or water running.


What we are looking for is your consciousness coming so relaxed that it disconnects from the body. And off she goes...

When you get out there don't think about what are you seeing or feeling in the experience. Just Be. And think about it later. Focus on constantly maintaining to mind, which will naturally let energy come in.


When you get to the flash of light it may scare you. Visualize yourself coming up from underwater or opening a door at this moment. It may take a few tries to get over the fear. There is nothing to fear, nothing can hurt you. All fear will do is snap you out of the experience and back connected to this reality.


Let me ask you, do you consider what you describe to be very much like or even similar to quantum leaps? By manifesting yourself at another location free of time?

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I believe quantum leaps refer to moving on another path in life. Causing a version change of your reality. This experience is also know as the Mandela Effect. I have experienced several versions of my reality. The Mandela Effect is True.

But the Mandela effect is not the same as an Astral Projection experience. Astral Projection experience disconnects your true self from the human body and off to another realm (time doesn't exist in these realms), but you come back to current version of reality you were experiencing before the journey. But with awareness. This awareness comes from the awareness of having the ability to disconnect from who you think is you.

one of your best yet brother !!

Thanks for sharing this! I've been trying to astral travel for many months with no success. Your post just gave me a lot of insight :)

I been astral travelling a lot and know exactly how to do it. but i have stop for a very good reason, It is not what you think so please be careful of the dark force if you're trying to astral travel.
Astral traveling can be fun and exciting your travelling into the unknown. you gain self awareness and all your senses heighten through the roof. Suddenly you realize you no longer speak or move see or feel the way you did like here on earth but don't let that fun fools you it is indeed demonic unless you go with protection.
Keep in mind you are going into another dimension a spiritual world. A world of super consciousness. it defied the law of physic. at this point you cannot denied '' God existence'' make sure to please call on Jesus when you need help. Its all i can say. Believed me all its not all cookie and cream. I can't stop you from doing thing you so wanted to do. I also don't want to spoil your fun but as a good fellow human being I feel it is necessary to give you a head up.

" I embrace the darkness like I embrace the light."

Ive always wondered if this was real for the simple fact that I have a brother in a hospital because people didnt believe his thinking to be correct. He believed in astro travels but never achieved it. Tried using substances to obtain it, I wish I could have guided him before all the mess that he brought to himself.

I admit that I have dabbled in the practice.

It was a long time ago and I probably didn't do it properly.

Pretty sure it opened me up to a different level of attack - for a very very long time.

I personally consider the practice to be 'potentially dangerous but absolutely obtainable'. Proceed with caution.

For those who still wish to proceed...

  • Practice your lucid dreaming (catching yourself dreaming - and actively changing the reality within your dream)

  • Face up - in bed - comfortable temperature. Loose comfortable clothing.

  • Ease your breathing. Relax. Feel rather than think (or think very simple thoughts).

  • As you feel yourself drifting into sleep, picture yourself shifting downwards into your bed - as if you are going under - without twitching a muscle.

  • Then, reverse. And repeat. A few cycles and complete relaxation in near-sleep should do it.

  • Hint: If you start above the covers - and after you are done, get under the covers - you'll be one step closer to knowing if it was a dream or not.

Good luck.

Good job

I have been astro traveling for as long as I can remember. I use to fight sleep and still do at times because every time I would close my eyes. my spirit would leave my body and I would go soaring.