How Are Big Mac's Even Legal To Sell?

It baffles me how much hard we come down on natural substances that grow directly out of the Earth, but a something like Big Mac is fair game. Is the powers that be really out to protect our best interest?

Am I the only one seeing massive amounts of cancer clinics going up in the world? Is it just the changing times causing this? The population growth?
In the United States there are 1.5 million Big Macs sold a day! Keep in mind when you head to Mcdonald's to buy one of these things. Mcdonald's doesn't even have a grill! I don't want to talk for others, but I have never attempted to cook hamburger meat in a microwave. I certainly wouldn't feed my children meat I cooked in a microwave.
The hard truth of the matter is the food Mcdonald's selling to you is not at all food. It's engineered food. Chemical food. I agree there are several ways to get cancer, but a straight forward path is ingesting fake substances into the body over and over again.
Here is a quick breakdown of what happens 1 hour after ingesting a Big Mac...
10 minutes - 540 calories raises your blood sugar to abnormal levels. This triggers the reward system in the brain by releasing dopamine. The process also works like this when taking cocaine.

20 minutes- A Big Mac bun not only has a high amount of salt. It is also engineered to have a high level of corn syrup. At the high levels found in a Big Mac, these substances can be as addictive to the human body as nicotine.

30 minutes- The sodium starts kicking in. When you take in high amounts of sodium your kidneys must work in over drive to eliminate the salt. Your heart starts working faster to pump blood through your veins. This is what causes high blood pressure and can then lead to heart disease.
40 minutes- Have you ever craved another Big Mac after just eating one? More engineering working at its best. That corn syrup has now been absorbed by your GI tract track causing your insulin to spike which in turn is causing an illusion for hunger.
60 minutes- Each Big Mac contains 1.5 grams of trans fat. It takes the body 51 days digest trans fat. This holding of trans fat is directly linked to heart disease and cancer.
The ingredients in this "hamburger" can cause serious damage to your body, especially you are consuming on a daily basis.
I'll have three please
With extra big mac sauce?
I haven't had it that way, but that sounds even better!
I understand what you are getting at but don't believe everything you read on the internet
"Keep in mind when you head to Mcdonald's to buy one of these things. Mcdonald's doesn't even have a grill!"
Clearly McDonald's has a grill......!
Macdonalds uses a flat-top -- like 10-100 million other joints... i'm not disagreeing with bulk of argument, but shoddy premises like this one take away from clout of article.
Why'd you have to say big i'm hungry
Exactly! Well said
A big problem Is the red meat. It has been found that consuming red meat increases the risk for cancer. How you cook it also matters. Eating lots of grilled red meat is not good for your health!
Everyone should decrease their consumption of meat. Not just for your healths sake but also for the environment. If everyone limited their meat consumption to just two times a week it would go a long way in helping reduce the damage of climate change.
As far as I know the U.S. Big Mac didn't even contain real meat for a long time but something that's called "boneless lean beef trimmings". Jamie Oliver called it "pink slime" and won a lawsuit against the meat distributor:
Astonishing that you can red meat even more unhealthy!
Good posts @npl77 . In fact they are legal to sell because they pay tax and the state dont really care about us rather tax money. Hence why Tobacco and Alcohol are legal too.
Thanks for sharing this great information. People think fast food is a little unhealthy but they don't really know to what extent. This breaks it down perfectly and shows just how bad it really is. Maybe people will start second guessing their choices and go for the healthier options. Great article :)
If big corps can get away with something they will.
Read this if you feel like loosing faith in humanity.
That would be the result of Big Agriculture and Big Pharma working together. In America, healthcare costs are increasing (at a widely disproportionate rate to income) largely because people need to use the services more and more.
The majority of our food source has now been poisoned.
If you don't agree with it, then don't buy Big Macs, simple 🙂
I still eat more fast food than I should but I eat so much healthier than I used too....Big Macs suck anyway