The Returnable Return of the One Who Was Gone

Fix Breaks
Was I broken?
I didn't feel good. That's the bad news.
I'm feeling better. That's the good news.
I wasn't ignoring anyone. I read every word coming my way, when I could. You all knew I'd be back. That's cool. You were right. High five.
On a steady connection now. I've been off the wifi. The shakes go away after a few days. People can live without internet. That's totally fact now.
I'd borrow some here and there, from time to time. Had a routine going. Wake up, grab coffee and some wifi. Drop a few votes, get a refill, go. Didn't have time to talk. Didn't know what to say anyway. I had some quiet time. I needed that. Thank you.
I had to move. That didn't go so well, but it was nice outside anyway.
Now it's cooling down. I'm warm. That's done.
I won't be here where I am for very long. It's not a happy place. Just a place. Things will get better, I'm sure of it.
Season Three
Coming up.
Season two of this blog was awesome. Thanks for the memories. Twas a good time.
I don't have anything planned. Nothing is ready. Things don't need to be ready anyway. I'll just do what I do, whatever that is. I hope you like it.
When you're smiling, I'm smiling. I think I still remember how. Don't mind me if things get a bit dark and fucked up around here. Yup. Normal for me. Isn't that exciting!
There's more to say. I'll save some for later.
I'm back. That's all.
Have a nice day. (I missed you folks.)

I missed you!
Work on that aim and next time you won't miss!
Going to the countryside today, I'm sure dad will teach me how to shoot if I want to.
Point and squeeze.
How do I reload?
Yay glad you are back!💞
Thanks @isaria. Yay for welcoming wagons and parades n shit...
Yay he’s back! I knew you’d return eventually. Glad your feeling better and back to entertaining us with your usual wit and dry humour. :)
Can't force this shit. I wanted to be back weeks ago but I didn't let me. Wasn't ready.
You probably won’t read my comment since I’m a bit too late to this ceremony of @nonameslefttouse suddenly comming back ................ Hi, I’m glad to see you back. Just letting you know the Steem is not what I expected and steemit is so lonely. It’s all going down the hill and I don’t see the end anywhere near. Anyway, everything else is just fantastic.
I'll give it a chance. I see the problems got worse and the cause of it doesn't care yet... but whatever.
I saw your art in my feed and was confused. What had happened, was this actual communication?
I really did miss you. It's been lonely around here.
That's the first thing I've produced in over a month. My brain still feels mushy and nothing looks or feels right, but whatever. Time to just roll with it, see what happens.
Good to see you again. I missed everything about this place but that's life.
No worries, my brain feels mushy everytime I hit that "post" button. Yep, this place is surprisingly addictive. It might be more addictive for me now.
Nice to see you back !
Good to see you, too!
You're back! :D
And it's no front!
That was a long short break. Lol! Welcome back....
Sometimes a guy just needs to go for a walk.
A really long walk, eh? Lol! Glad to have you back...
Welcome back. ..
Will you be sending shitpost awards anytime soon??
In time, maybe, probably, we'll see.
Take your time. .let the turd marinate. .
It's awful when they cancel things after they told they were on a break, so I'm happy we have a new season :D There's always ups and downs, I was on a break too. It's on us to make new seasons better :* Hope you're doing great <3
That's why I leave them out of it. Tis the season though... whatever that means!