Minnows! I Need To Tell You This Before I Get Drunk Later. It's Important! Your Success Depends On It!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Exclamation points probably mean it's really important!
Gather round, listen up!


Stop Screwing Yourselves Up the Ass!

Hi! My name is @NoNamesLeftToUse, The Writer/Artist Himself. I was once a minnow here, just like you! I had fuck all in my wallet and nobody gave a shit about what I had to say when I started, just like you!

Things changed though. With the odds stacked against me, I was able to earn this badass reputation number thing as well as a nice pile of Steem Power to ride along with it. I'm a big hit at parties too!


I'm not going to go into a long-ass boring essay about how to be prim and proper. That's not entertainment!

I'm not going to tell you how to be a blogger. You either know how, or you don't. Teach yourself if you want it bad enough. Don't be lazy! Google it if you really must know! Google how to format your articles. Teach yourselves everything and learn as you go.


Looking at another blogger's work and emulating their style won't work for you because you're not them. You can't fake this shit! Being yourself makes everything one hell of a lot easier too!

If you came here to be a photographer or an artist, a fiction writer or a news reporter, a philosopher or a politician, I better not see you switch gears and start yapping about Bitcoin just because you saw someone earn $1000 doing it! A glaring majority of those who try to follow the money like that fail! I've seen this with my own eyes far too many times to count.


Moving on.

The worst mistake I see so many of you new members making is by far the biggest waste of time and energy imaginable.

Kissing ass!

These so-called self help gurus write up their snazzy little posts about how to be successful here and they do it on a regular basis. Then the copycat artists I mentioned previously join in on the fun.

One person barfs and the others come in to lick it up, then they barf out the same stuff too! Before you know it, we have hundreds of people all spewing the same vomit and I'm suddenly reminded of that one scene in the movie Stand By Me and that completely ruined my thought process!


You'll see this line on every one of those posts and it goes a little something like this:

Unemployment at a record high
People coming, people going, people born to die
Don't ask me, because I don't know why
But it's like that, and that's the way it is.

Wait! Hold up. That's not the line. That's Run-D.M.C.

The line you'll read is something like this:

...Comment, comment, comment! Try to get noticed by a whale or a popular blogger. This will help you!

There are thousands of minnows and only a handful of whales and popular bloggers. Don't waste your votes on them thinking they will return the favor! If you like the post, fine! Don't just do it with the hopes you'll get something back in return!

If you truly seek a return on your efforts, listen up.

Minnows! Vote for Each Other!

Build roads with each other! They will lead somewhere in the future! View your fellow minnow posts. Comment there! Don't sit around with your thumbs up your asses wondering why nobody is voting and viewing your work. I just told you why! You're all too busy trying to get noticed to even notice how many views and votes you could be getting if you simply paid attention to each other!

You think a minnow vote is worthless? Imagine if you had 50-100 minnow votes on your minnow posts! Wouldn't that add up? Wouldn't that be better than sweet-fuck-all?


Strength in numbers, my friends.

Don't depend on a handful of people to hook you up when there are thousands of you who should be willing and able to work as a team.

Sure! It's nice to get noticed by a certain someone with a big vote. Trust me when I tell you this. Ass kissing won't get you that vote, but a damn good post might! If you have a school of minnows already giving a damn good post a fuck-ton of attention, that alone might be enough to get even more attention!

Are You Paying Attention?

Listen, I care about this place and I enjoy seeing others succeed. I've been here over nine months and I've seen new members make the same mistakes over and over and over and over and what the fuck! My head is spinning!

I'm trying to help.

Build those roads, work together, put in the time, see the future. Your Steem Power will build up, your votes will be worth more and every single one of you will gradually climb the ladder.

Many of the established bloggers are busy being committed to the roads they built long ago. There's simply not enough of those big votes to go around. They can't help every single person who needs it so don't depend on them.

During the final days before a minnow finally quits, they often blame all those who've done well here. It's not their fault, it's not my fault, like it or not, it's your fault.

~Drops the Mic~

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Is a self-inflicted participation award a true sign of success? No!"
[email protected]

© 2017 Two Insanity Productions.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


Yes. That's what I was doing back last August. Hanging out with the other new kids. Making friends. Seeing who I liked. And now those of us who stayed the distance are old hands. And we did it together.

I've often wondered how well we'd all be doing if so many others would have actually stuck around. Many gave up when Steem was valued low, cashed out, probably regretting it now, but don't feel like starting from the bottom again because as we all know, it's not easy.

Well written totally agree
Liked and followed :)

Thank you. Welcome to Steemit.


I have personally also figured out that it's a lot more fruitful to use the platform to express yourself within blogging, commenting and voting. This way we mold and shape the platform to stand equal to that self-expression and -enjoyment rather than the "emptiness" existent within purely chasing the money and keeping our eyes on the price. Something we seem to miss is how our own interactions and expressions shape the world and communities we live in. So if we ourselves are not genuine, considerate and "real", then we can expect to receive the same in return from the world and community we create in our image. Thanks for this post nonameslefttouse

You say it so elegantly, and it's the truth.

Life in the ocean
Most fishes swimming in schools
Solitary whales

Great post, @nonameslefttouse. I'll definitely keep everything you said in mind. Can't wait to see your other secrets after you've had a few, hehe.

Oh! That reminds me...

Here's another good tip.

Don't drink and blog! It can get messy...

You ain't kiddin! So, hear from ya tomorrow then?

thanks you for the tips! I am trying to be a good blogger, but just seeing to my self, on progressive and learning way. I know that with the time, the followers and reputation is gonna come if I do the things well. thanks for the post. greetings form URUGUAY.

One step at a time. If you can only use the elevator, you'll remain out of shape when you reach the top. That's not good. Uruguay? Cool! You just met a Canadian.

YOU ARE RIGHT! step by step is the way. ooh Canada a dream to all traveller, I do longboard downhill too, and Canada is THE PLACE! Maybe someday I can get to all these national parks and the mountains you have.

Hey, I'm your one hundredth view! Do I get a prize? Oh yeah, the prize was reading this post!
I love Stand By Me! Geordie would have done really well here!! Vern not so much ;)
Exclamation points are contagious!
That was a really long exchange at the top, I couldn't make up my mind if someone was trying to sell turtle articles or what was happening haha.

100? Embracing these newbies and giving them a taste of actual honesty for a change was a good idea then. I hope more come. Enough is enough already, they're being misguided, and I don't want to see this place fail. What were we all doing when we were low on SP? Helping each other!

...at least Vern brought a comb.

It was a perfect way to direct them.

What did you bring a comb for? You don't have any hair!
I love Teddy.

This is an outstanding post. Upvotes for days.

Thanks! I had fun pretending to yell!