Maybe I Came Back At A Bad Time

in #life5 years ago

It's nice outside. The birds are chirping. The beer is cold.
So easy to look around this place, then find a reason to run.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Beating Strong Almost There.png
Where I Left Off

Maybe you remember?

I used to produce a little bit of digital art from time to time.

That image sat there, in my WIP folder, for five months, incomplete. I don't even remember the story I was trying to write to go along with that scene. That's all behind me now. Gone forever.

Time to write a new story.

And I just might do that someday.

But for now, I must figure out why I'm here.

Thanks, everyone.




There's something I haven't said, or even thought about, for the entire time it's been 2019.

Damn it feels good to have a reason to be grateful again.

The hardest part about coming back, was showing up. Wasn't sure what to expect. I certainly didn't think something like, Oh yeah I'll just show up and everyone will be happy to see me. It'll be business as usual. I'll just pick up where I left off. This is going to be so easy.

I didn't think that at all. Since not much has changed around here since I left during the final days of 2018, I was thinking more along the lines of, I wonder if they're still around.

It's good to see you again.

I haven't stopped saying that since I got back.

You're still here. It's good to see you, again, and thanks, everyone.

True friends don't need to talk everyday. They can go long periods of time without seeing each other, there's no love lost, and when they cross paths again, it's like all that time in between didn't exist.

I came back and one of the first things I noticed was how so many of you folks act like those true friends I was talking about just now.

That makes it easier.

Ease into the challenge.

That little line sounded so cool, within my mind, so I thought I'd share.


Isn't that caring?

Sharing is caring kind of sounds like something a washed up Hallmark card writer wrote once, after they discovered they sold millions of copies of something, but only earned whatever that hour at work was worth to them that day, before taxes.

I care, to share. This is my mind right now. I'm offering it to you. Would you like some?

We might not always see eye to eye on things but just know the simple fact we both have eyes means we still have a lot in common.


I guess that's it, for today.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"Some of that unwashed brain sauce."

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


It is an interesting time to return.. on the verge of a HF and all the discussion that goes along with it.. Steemit Inc. trying to establish they aren’t actually having an identity crisis but the community still trying to figure out what exactly is happening.. and then you know, the same ole dysfunctional family stuff that was always here.

Even if we all don’t agree.. we can still stare into each other’s eyes in an intense and somewhat creepy way.. but we all have eyes, so it will be a bonding experience. 🙂

Glad you’re back, you were missed.. and I love that artwork.. it’s dramatic and emotional but somehow inspirational. Maybe that’s just me though...

With everything going on around here, the more I think about it, and since I guess I'm part of building this monster, as easy as it would be to run or wait until the dust settles, I'm thinking it's probably better I stumbled into this mess now, so I'm here for it, rather than jumping into foreign territory down the road, confused, without a voice. So many commas.

The art is a difficult one to explain, but that's a road, and those headlights are fast approaching. That's my mess. Will I be in trouble, or will they just keep on driving... Something like that. was called "My Heart Just Isn't In It".

Please stop trolling.

I wasn't trolling. I looked at the picture, it couldn't form anything, your heart really wasn't in it, that's not trolling that's a truth, you needed a break you should have just said so.

Please stop trolling, Sunlit. Evidence of said trolling can be found below. Any more trolling by Sunlit after posting this message will be met with downvotes since this Sunlit character won't respect my polite requests and the fact I can only ask nicely about five times before it becomes annoying. No further messages from Sunlit to this account will be read and any future messages will be downvoted automatically because this member doesn't feel like dealing with a troll, nor do I enjoy being harassed by people who don't matter.

It is a good time to be back imo. Lots of things going on, lots of drama, lots of things to write about and engage with, lots of changes that have an uncertainty about them. A good time to art.

Guess what? It's been kinda quiet in this little space of mine today. Guess what I don't really like? Slow Daze! You're right, man. Good or bad, it's all inspirational. Fireworks. Bang pow boom...


fsst fsst fsst PEW!

I like it like that. A great time to grab life by the balls, and squeeze. Congratulations! You win the song of the day, for no real reason at all other than I just felt sharing a link all of a sudden.

Looks to me like a heart, or a fetus, served on a plate that is also an arm, held out to the bright eyes in the distance. The eyes look ominous, but it is impossible to say in that darkness. Whether heart or fetus, that is a complex little beast.

The eyes, as you call them, I think they create more of a paranoid feeling. If I remember correctly, that was the intention. This image is kind of fun for me because I get to play the same interpretation games as everyone else. I don't even know where my head was when I started it. I do however remember that project creating a roadblock for me, which eventually helped contribute to my disappearance. Get stumped, walk away, hope to come back with new ideas, nothing came except frustration, other life things, time to go.

Kind of fun for you to get to play interpretation for a change. Artists usually have tunnel vision.

I have trouble with that

Get stumped, walk away, hope to come back with new ideas

I just don't ever go back, so I have been forcing myself not to fall off. It is kind of satisfying to force something out. I think the biggest leaps of growth come from the forcing.

I pick up on a lot of the humor in your writing style. Humor can be tough. As you're going, you probably notice how the humor just pops up out of nowhere, the thoughts are simply there, somehow, magic. That's something I can't force. I won't even try to force it. It just has to be there. The lard and southern accents joke for instance. Turned out to be too much of a one liner, not enough substance. Lard. Southern accent. Lawd. Kinda sounds like lord. A confusing situation and a misunderstanding. Someone said lard, someone heard lord. Can't really do much with that, but when the tiny little idea popped up inside my mind, it was hilarious, and within a split second I see the entire situation unfolding. Sounded better in my head. Would work better acted out. Raw writing form... not so funny. A joke one would have to hear, not read. I'd bomb pretty hard if I forced that one but I think you can see how it could be funny.

Humor is definitely not a forced thing. It does have to flow naturally. When the mood hasn't struck, then I force something else out. Might not be something I'm really proud of, but it feels like the brain made a new connection by exercising it. It may not be the best strategy for success here, but I think it is good for the mind.

Thanks for actually reading my writing.

I have those worked better in my head moments a lot. I have full faith in you though. I trust you would have made that lard work :)

Gotta have trust in the lard. Praise the lard. Lard almighty.

I have much love for the lard. Bacon too.

You speak many truths that we can all relate to in an easy manner. What I missed the most. Well, and never knows what you will write next :D

Life IS a journey but the red too shall pass and we will go on because we are human and endure to the surprise of so many. ~what your art says to me

I don't plan anything. I'm just as surprised as anyone once I finish. I have no idea what my next post will be. Maybe a little one liner joke will pop into my mind as I'm pouring a coffee, and I can build a post around that.. or maybe I'll push some colors around and ramble on about nothing until there's enough on the screen to make me look like I know what I'm doing.

:D that is how I write LOLL and make videos.
No wonder why I like you LOLL

I love the way you write - you say nothing, but also so much - glad I discovered your posts.

I think they told Jerry Seinfeld a show about nothing would never work. His net worth is something like 950 million dollars today.

Wow that just shows you. But you really have a gift with words.

I got back last month as well after 5 months. Lots still the same, lots has changed. But hey it's still fun. Otherwise what's the point right?

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes indeed. Still plenty of fun to be had here. Welcome back!

True friends don't need to talk everyday. They can go long periods of time without seeing each other, there's no love lost, and when they cross paths again, it's like all that time in between didn't exist.

Indeed, I do experience it like that too. And the longer the time in between the more there is to share.

I somehow missed this comment, until now. I like how you put that. More to share. Very true, man. Oh so very true. A true story takes a lot of time to write.

A true story takes a lot of time to write.

Very beautifully put in a poetic way, it does indeed.

Like Michael Jackson said, you can be my brother it don't matter if your eyes black or white.... Or something like that. Welcome back

Yeah that sounds about right, I think? That song was about mixed martial arts or something? Okay that was a really lame joke and I'm thinking many won't get it. Writing jokes on the fly is hard work. I need a vacation... again.

It's a great time to be back. So much drama to be caused and so many people to destroy. Fun times.

Posted using Partiko Android

I kinda stumbled into someone who was just asking for it yesterday, I think. I'm glad the folks I click with outnumber the ones I don't click with. I'd be living a miserable life if it were the other way around.

True friends don't need to talk everyday. They can go long periods of time without seeing each other, there's no love lost, and when they cross paths again, it's like all that time in between didn't exist.

Just yesterday I said something extremely similar to someone- ah the synchronicity! And it's so true :)

I'm not surprised by the question in your title, I was waiting for it to be honest. It's kinda been a bad time on steemit for the better part of a year- or in the crypto world in general really but steemit's the only place in that world that has truly mattered to me.

You know I'm thrilled to have you here, for as long as you choose to stay- and it's obvious a ton of others feel the same- you are a force of a presence my friend.

This place is so much more than crypto. All my insides are on the outside here; a dream that naturally doesn't make any sense. Got all the blossoms, waiting on that fruit and you know what? One of these days I'm going to be hungry enough to eat it.

Pure poetry, that whole comment :)