Hi I'm @NoNamesLeftToUse and I Can't Even Compete with a Fucking Corn on the Cob

I'm a good sport though.
I can handle losing.
During my teenage years, I was a hockey player. I learned how to find the balance between being ultra-competitive, and not getting my way no matter how hard I tried.
Discipline, confidence, and respect. I had to learn when to stand up for myself; I had to learn when to sit down, shut up, and listen.
I wanted to be on the first line, wanted to be the top goal scorer. Coach helped me understand how I wasn't cut out for that role. I wasn't good enough. Others were better, he explained.
I was fast, agile, I hit hard, and I had an attitude. Coach put me on the third line, right wing position. He said it was my job to wear the other team down, get under their skin, stay out of the penalty box. When the puck was in the opposing team's zone, it was my duty to charge the net, stand in front of the goalie, be a pest, push the defense around, dodge pucks flying at me from all directions, look for deflections, wait for the rebounds; be a grinder.
I didn't score many goals, but I did knock a lot of guys down on their asses. I took my bumps as well. I'd line a dude up, smash him into the boards, I'd hear cheering as I'm winded, barely able to skate to the bench so I could sit and recoup for three minutes. Then go back out and do it all over again but this time it's me who gets hit because the other team always wants to return the favor to those who are clearly out there to throw the body around. Tit-for-tat. Every season, every game, again and again and again.
No complaints.
Those were some of the best days of my life.
Coach didn't turn me into that guy, hold me back, or rob me of any opportunities. He recognized my strengths. If you're rearranging the furniture, you don't put the TV behind the couch. Everything, everyone; it all has a place.
Sure, I would have had more ice time if I was on the first line, I would have scored more goals; maybe I'd be able to sit here and tell a story about the time I scored the game winner in overtime to win the championship series, a hero. That didn't happen for me.
So what. Everything I did led up to those moments, even though we lost the one season we made the finals.
That was my last game.
Still no complaints.
I was part of a team. Valued. Every loss turned into a win, somehow.
I grew up, had to learn how to be my own coach. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. It's all good.
"Bring value to the platform."
Can't compete with one sentence and a picture of corn on the trending page.
Yet through my efforts I've brought $32000 worth of value to this platform. I've earned 975 SP by simply pushing the vote button, to help others. I started with nothing but ambition and knowing it would all add up no matter how small of a reward I received.
Maybe I can't compete with corn these days, but my account value was once worth over 200k in Canadian dollars. I don't feel like a fucking loser because my strange art form, ridiculous posts, humor, writing and whatever else I come up with can't compete with a goddamn lousy piece of shit post about corn.
I had to work for my goals way back when. That's my strength. I don't remember anyone making the net bigger and moving it closer so the whiny little brats who refused to work could score. Even the people who beat us had to earn theirs so pardon me if I have trouble wrapping my head around what makes these shit posting trenders tick. I just don't get it.
Their coaches set them up for failure. Selling trophies and offering up participation awards. Thanks for showing up! Hold my hand! That's a good boy! So special!
My coaches were some of the greatest men who ever lived. People I will never be able to forget still playing a pivotal role in my life providing guidance from my past, for this day.
Even if this turns into yet another loss, I'm still winning.
And fuck being corny.

Despite what the "pending payout" value says, that poster will lose money on that post. Over time I think that people will learn that pushing "shit posts" into trending is a losing proposition. The Byteball airdrop using reputation was a setback there, but that was resolved and hopefully won't happen again.
You comparing your own success on the platform and the value you have provided to paid promotion content doesn't really make sense. In any case, I accidentally upvoted your "shit post award" comment for for $240, so now your comment is "winning" :-)
Upvoting shitposts. That what we do around here. Here's a McSteemy.
"I accidentally upvoted your "shit post award" comment for for $240" - Nice accident, pity more bot owners didn't take the same outlook.
It was The Corn Award Reward
One of The Best For The Yesr
Now , All I have to do is Just Quarantine CORN
So which post is it ? can someone link me to it ??
What are you going do?
You don't even have enough SP ?
I am going to look at it , is it allowed?
You need to be a genius to find the post.
This is a Genius Account.
We do look for things that we are looking for. Tough!
tks for all the help...
Wait a tic.
Why exactly did you remove the vote from the post?
Have you changed your position on unvoting low quality user contributions aka shitposts or is it only those that make it to Trending?
I say this because not sure if you recall but I sure do remember our disagreement when I asked you to remove votes on that sort of thing.
Historical Context
You called me a bully for threatening to tell others about your refusal to unvote junk. I think I was being fair to call you out and hope you acknowledge it now so we can work together to build a better Steem.
I'm hoping this will be a water under the bridge scenario aka you have repented and we can know move forward productively.
still dont get what you mean by this....

img src
Does this help?
holy shit....
My jaw dropped seeing thats.
You dont fucking mean it @yabapmatt didnt just fucking drop a 100% upvote for the shit award....
i think i need big bro to fucking drop a 100% on this shitty comment of mine
it was a nice award indeed....
Nice story.
Did a corn post make trending?
Unbelievable Jeff.
I have no words, or corn.
I really regret not reading this sooner so I could upvote it. I just got around to actually reading the post and freaking loved it.
I was going to suggest again stop looking at trending but i suppose that's the easiest way to find shitpost of the day awards XD
Posted using Partiko Android
I never look for trending.
I set my own trends and they are never on the front page until long after I have left them!
After 24 years I finally learned how to use the damn thing... so its supposed to go on top of the couch right?
I'm right there with you, slowly but surelly my account will grow! What people don't realize is that the growth is exponential and not linear, which means that the start will be slow, but after a while it will add up and the growth will be imense! Maybe even more then we can even spend!
Fake money... the only true dollars are USA dollars! JK... im not even american :P
Lol fake news too! 😂👍🏻
I always enjoy reading your posts when I am able to find time. You're one of those individuals that make me think and I HATE to think when I'm off work. I like to look at pretty flower photography or comedyopenmic posts. Heck, even throw in a corn on the cob into the mix! Lol, I saw Matt upvoted your comment there, and well, you have surpassed the corn on the cob. Way to go with team spirit. :)
Where are you? Post already! It was just a bit of corn and some idiots. Really.
Can't blame you if you don't, though.
For those who want to have a look at the posting that contains said corn, it is here. The photo in it is so stunningly beautiful and competently made that it got a well-deserved award.
Fucking unreal man.