1000 Freakin' Followers? I Better Tell Everyone! (Maybe I'll Mention the 1000 SP Added to the Pile As Well)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Good day to you
Sir, Ma'am, It, These, Those and Them Over There!


@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself here
I got something to say!

...but that wasn't it. I just like the song.


Due to the title of this article and that massive, throbbing, succulent image above, you've probably, through a small amount of deductive reasoning, a hint of reading comprehension, and a bit of skill, already figured out what I'm trying to say.

But I Don't Care!

I'll say it again!

One thousand followers! Holey horse's ass!

I'm happy about that, even though some of this follow for follow nonsense somewhat murdered the significance of such an accomplishment.

I Don't Care About That Either!

The facts remain intact on this magnificent bit of technology known as a blockchain.

Maybe you were expecting to see a screenshot of my 1000 followers and a little thank you note? Not happening here!

Everyday, I take my time, work my ass off, provide a uniquely entertaining experience day in and day out, never straying away from myself to follow the herd and chase that almighty dollar by telling the people exactly what they'd want to hear that day.

I did it.... myyyyyyyy way!

So That Means

You're reading this today because there's a strong chance you enjoyed something I did yesterday(and the day before that, and the day before that, and the day before that, or maybe it was last week)!

You're a legit follower, a true fan of my work, and some of you even managed to work your way into the friendzone.

Thank You!

Thanks for enjoying, whatever it is you enjoy about me and this amazing blog I've been able to put together over the past many months.

Since I'm a man of my word, and since the timing was just right, I've decided to replace the 1000 Steem powerdown payment I took out a couple of months ago to help get started investing in this amazing thing we all call cryptocurrency.

This brings my Steemit account up to nearly 16000 Steempower. I could hand some lucky winner a five spot today just for showing up, but I think giving myself the ability to do that multiple times per day with the push of a button and just because I liked something of yours is a far greater way to show my appreciation for you, your work and this platform of ours. Besides, that's what you do for me, right? It's only fair.


When I grab life by the balls, I squeeze!

It would be easy to say something like:

Nearly ten months ago, I had no idea I'd be where I am today.

I don't want to lie to you though. I knew, eventually, this blogging thing would start working out for me. I didn't know how well things would be going, but I knew things would be better than they were on day one.

When you have a grand vision, set goals, and truly enjoy what you do, I think slowly finding some measure of success is a given. It has to happen. If not, then it's time to make a few changes. I've made changes, changed my mind on a few things, I've failed more times than some have tried.

I've yet to find a comfort zone, I haven't become complacent or lazy, and most importantly, I'll never take any of this for granted. I won't let it go to my head. I'm having far too much fun now. No point in ruining it.

from the bottom of my heart

Thank You
for being in my corner, and all that you do.

You people made me smile today.

Have a Good One!

Youtube videos linked to source.
All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"One thousand! Incredible. Thanks again!"
[email protected]

© 2017 Two Insanity Productions.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


@nonameslefttouse "When I grab life by the balls, I squeeze!"

Reminds me of the movie "Dirty Work". If you haven't seen it, stop whatever you are doing and do it now.

Also, this is the first post I have seen, but I am looking forward to the content up through 2, 3, and 10+ thousand followers!

I haven't seen that movie. I live in a cave when it comes to media these days. Too busy working on my own content!

If this is the first one, and since you like entertainment, I'm sure you'll find a few gems in my blog. Have fun!

I saw that you were getting close the other day, the big ONE is worth mentioning by any means. Congrats!

I've been watching it. A couple of days previous, it seemed like I'd hit a wall, but that changed. I kept most of the other recent big numbers quiet. As I said, the significance behind this achievement has been somewhat diminished by those who'd prefer to treat everyone else like tagged cattle. I know how I got here, you know how I got here, I see you taking the same approach.... We're good! There's still reason to celebrate!

I passed six and seven hundred without a peep, I guess 1000 is worth a mention, won't be too long at the current rate, which like you said has questionable merit. If 700 followers meant even 100 votes it would be a thing, but it's not even close- number of followers is meaningless to a point, unless it's used as an indicator of how active one is on the site. But yes I know how we have done it; with honor and dignity and lots of real nice posts.



... wait, what were we celebrating again?

Whoa! Careful with those flames!

put out that fire.jpg
Trying to burn the place down!?

I was going to go to Ibiza with that insurance money you ungrateful brat

This has been a public service announcement.

OMG only me? That's so much responsibility.. JESUS SMOKEY WHY U DO DIS TO ME?!?

Thanks for all that you do, I enjoyed this post. I started following you a while back and can honestly say that I read'em start to finish. What does Stephen King call'em? his "Constant Readers" Keep doing what you're doing and it will only grow! Congrats @nonameslefttouse

It feels like I'm publishing a magazine, one page at a time. Some people flip pages. It's a great feeling when I hear people are out there reading it front to back! Thank you!

WooHoo! Congrats on the milestone. You deserve all the success for being an awesome steemer and creator of great posts and art.

Thank you...

talking horse lady!

Congratulations @nonameslefttouse I do read your posts. They are certainly not what I normally read but you are part of the culture of steemit to me and broaden my perspective in unexpected ways. Well..you make me laugh.

Everything I do, in most cases, isn't what people would normally read! LOL! I enjoy breaking my own trails and for the most part, laughter is all I'm looking for. Sometimes I'm serious or feel like telling a dark story, but in the end, I just want you folks to be entertained. That's the name of this game.

One of the more impressive followings built due to you not following the herds of mindless crypto bloggers chasing those dolla dolla bills

Well, some of those folks taught me quite a bit, but I'm incredibly fussy about who I listen to. Others... show me an obsolete chart that nobody will ever need. Giving financial advice with a wallet worth $100. :) Those one's aren't chasing the money, they're chasing their tails!

Happy for you. Keep grinding man!

@oldtimer. You were one of the first. I appreciate it and thank you. I will, because I have nothing better to do!

I still check your posts from time to time, but lately I'm try to spend less time on steemit. Too much traffic on platform, but we want that, do we? I see you wallet is growing bigger and you're safe. Prepare for winter. It's coming fast. I'm supporting new people and also myself. Maybe I'll go full time steemit soon.

There is a lot of static traffic. Unfortunately, I don't think that's what we want. Quality blogs produced by quality bloggers. The quick buckers and their stolen content they "share" is the facebook thing to do. People do that for free and I'd prefer it stays that way. There's such a huge difference between content producers and content consumers. I still believe this place is here for content producers to thrive and shift the paradigm. Because of that belief, I work hard and stick to the original vision. Sure, the wallet grows, but it didn't grow because I required instant gratification. This is simply the place for people like me, and many others, to explore uncharted territory and be pioneers.

I agree with you view point, but content producers need content consumers. Think about theater. You need actors and audience otherwise it will not work. And blogging will be just one part (one community) of steemit blockchain in the future. Trade, banking, moving funds, ads.... It's coming.

Yes, and content consumers should be happy with the opportunity to earn while enjoying the show, rather than having to pay at the door. Instead, so many want more, and attempt production, don't have a knack for it, and quit the platform completely. Doesn't have to be like that!

You're right. But it's free market. Everybody can stay and engage or leave. It's a lot of room here and out of steemit also.

If I was paid a nickel for every time I watched a Youtube video... :)

"When I grab life by the balls, I squeeze!" Ouch that hurts. Now I will need some ice! Congrats dear, you seriously deserved it! I am following you from my day one here and didn't miss a post. Love that salty humor of yours with a hint of jalapeño!

I'm glad you haven't missed a post, otherwise, rather than jalapeño, you'd be playing kethup!


See what I did there?

Congrats! I hit 1,000 not too long ago myself and I find it kind of funny honestly. There are so many "new accounts" going for spam follows that I see like lvl 30 and 40 accounts with all of these giant follower numbers and it's funny because it just feels like doing it organically takes longer, but clearly it's more worthwhile. Glad to see another thousand-aire from "back in the day." LOL. :)

It's quite apparent, going for the natural approach is the best investment. I see those factory follower farmers. Man... some of those people will have their work cut out for them when comes time to unfollow because the accounts are either dead, or even worse, sold to advertisers and spammers! Quality over quantity. We stick with what's tried, tested and true.

Congrats on your achievement as well!