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RE: 💥📉How To Make Money During a Crypto Market Correction📉💥

in #life8 years ago

Cool drone. I totally agree with stepping away from the computer and the exchanges during these drops, unless you are actively trading and buying.


Agreed. Im more of a hodlr myself riding the long waves. This is a great time for us to go outside fly our drones and be in the moment.

i actually went and looked up the drone, still out of my price range. Especially since i do not really need it. One day i will get one and play with it for a few hours and then it will sit on my shelf. One day!

yeah that would not be a good use of your money if you dont use it. It's like me going out and buying a surfboard.

One thing that you may relate to is the almost meditative sense of well being. When I'm soaring through the skys with a bird's eye view of my surroundings my altered perception almost feels empowering.


I want to go surfing and have this thing film me the whole time. And then meditate out in the middle of the ocean with the waves crashing behind me. I used to do that but its been a while. I like your thinking!

haha bro that sounds so cool. I'm digging the imagery.