They Need To Be Stopped, Not Appeased

in #life7 years ago

In reply to a friend who said that we needed to find a common understanding with the ‘Right Wing’.

I think what you say is kind and well meaning, and all else being equal, it would be the intelligent, sensible way to proceed. But all else is not equal. There is a faction in power in the world, using the left right and centre of politics, to maintain and expand a status quo which is simply wrong.

It begins with the profit motive and takes away funding for babies dying from the lack of clean water in Africa, Central Asia and on the banks of the Mississippi. It keeps the NRA in power and peacekeeping actions in far away parts of the world. It funds the war machine and funds wars.

It is in planned obsolescence and drilling for oil in the Great Australian Bight. It is in the gradient between rich and poor and the fear engendered therein.

It seems that more than half of Rich Humans, roughly we who do not starve or dessicate, support this and at least another third go with the herd despite having doubts. We who see the issues and really care, are in a definite minority. If we sit back and do nothing we are complicit. If we try to 'understand' and 'come to an understanding' with these people, we will be steamrollered and change nothing.

It has been like this for at least the last 44 years - since I first realised something was desperately wrong with the way the world was working. Although humanity is pushing forward on many fronts, we are racing backwards in what we would like to call, 'Our Humanity', although that is actually not as humanitarian as we would prefer to believe.
Trump, Pence, Cruz; B.Johnson, T.May, J.Rees-Mogg, Aung San Suu Kyi, The Pope and Putin & Co are symptoms of a much bigger problem; but many of the people who support these people really do understand and desire the colder, more frightening and divisive world they are helping to create.

And seriously, they need to be stopped, not appeased.