Keep things simple to find happiness

in #life5 years ago

How many things have you owned before, such as clothes, shoes, jewelry, toys, technology items, etc?

There are a large number of utensils, you will not be able to use it all, it will cause a nuisance for you too.

Clothes too much will make your room cramped and mess, even laundry makes you miserable and takes a lot of time.

If you have a lot of things in your house such as decorations, utensils, tables, chairs, wardrobes, they will occupy all the space. The house becomes cramped, causing many difficulties, will take away the children's play space, interfere with cleaning, facilitate the insects they will nest in your home.

You should clean up everything to be neat, clean and make things simple!

Items you no longer use, you should throw away or sell them. You should only buy things you need. Please release the complexity in your house.

At that time, you will feel comfortable. You will enjoy the peace in your home, which has never been before.

Simplifying every gadget is the first step for you to have a refreshing spirit, to step up the ladder of happiness.