New Earth

Close your eyes, breathe deeply, go into your heart-center and imagine... You are living in a magnificent world bursting with vibrantly coloured trees and flowers, a gorgeously clear sky filled with many moons and vibrant stars, jubilant animals, and you are surrounded by a compassionate community of friends who never judge and lovingly celebrate you for your wondrous talents. There is abundance for all!! Every person, and every being is in perfect health and joy. The foods are abundant, infinite and delectable, love is always in the air and the possibilities for creating and enjoying new experiences are endless! People are living in perfect harmony with nature as balance and harmony are the way. Energy is free. Truth, openness and creativity are the Light. There are no debts or contracts.. Simply being. Being, creating and experiencing.
There is no time, so all is vibrant & ageless. There is no death, only transference of form. There is no space or distance between any two beings or entities as All know and deeply understand the Oneness of each into the ALL. Creation is a joy. You are able to create an entire universe around you through your thoughts; yet, simultaneously experience the worlds and creations of others. Creating ones experience then becomes the focus of life, which is eternal. There is no good or bad. There is no right or wrong. There is no judgment or penalty. There just is! There is just love, light, compassion, joy & freedom. You are free as a bird. You are free to craft your experience and you are doing so in an infinite bubble of safety and security.. A circle of Light. All are free to create because there is no judgment and no desire to harm another. Every other is understood to be a reflection or an expression of the self and equally so of God. Self love is infinite. You have an unshakeable LOVE for yourself... And for all others... As they do for you.
Nature is no exception. The tree family is just that! Family who happen to be in the form of trees. The animal kingdom is one with the New Human Kingdom. In fact, love between the animal, plant, New Human, rock, fire, sky, galactic and all other kingdoms effortlessly flow through one another. All beings are respected, honored and known to be living and sentient. Even the soil, stones and rocks hold within them the divine life-force energy that is honored. You are no longer an individual. In this place we are imagining, there are no feelings of separateness... No. That is not possible. There is only a deep knowing and warm feeling of oneness between the Self, the planet and the universe. You are divine and sacred. You live in sacred space, and your creations are divine and sacred. Everyone is an artist, a creator.
You are living in a magical place. There are no limitations. Your imagination is the key to your spaceship. You are free to tap into the creativity of all others around you as we all co-create & co-create in joy and fulfillment.
Who you want to be, what you want to be and where you want to be is all up to you, and it is within your power to change forms, alter your environment and recreate your experience whenever you so choose.
The Oneness you feel in this place is not a lack of identity; rather it is an ever-present connectedness to all others who each maintain their unique form and identities. All beings are appreciated simply for their uniqueness; which in itself is a vital and blessed contribution to this beautiful mosaic we call the universe.
Star travel is not a dream but a reality and you find that your star families are unique, beautiful, caring and magical just as you are!
My beautiful readers, we are together imagining the 'New Earth'. A heaven on earth that is here and now and yours for the claiming! In fact, if you are reading this message than you are already there/here! Perhaps this is a message from the 'new you' beckoning you into your new reality. The New Earth already exists and actually always has existed! We are living in a magical time in that there is a portal right within your heart waiting for you to leap though it and into Heaven... Into New Earth.
Your heart knows the path to New Earth. The New Earth is a vibration. It is a frequency or a channel. Love is the way to tune in! Forgive yourself. Love yourself. Accept yourself & accept all others unconditionally. Discard all of your old belief systems, while embracing, limitlessness and infinity. Keeping these thoughts in your mind and heart as goals each moment and day; your frequency will gradually raise itself. Soon you will notice the magic. Soon you will see the New Earth forming around you. Very soon we will once again see that we are Love. We will see that we are ONE.
One with nature.
One with each other.
One with God.
Peace & Joy.
Prince Charms (Neon)
Thanks so much for sharing your beliefs. I align. What an exciting time to be here!