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RE: UK Murder +27% In 2017; Govt Determined To Ruin What's Left By Embracing Islam

in #life7 years ago

@lexiconical there are a lot more topics & articles you can share. Discussing religion especially you know nothing about personally just copying someone’s words is unethical & unjustified. I suggest you shouldn’t have shared this. If you want to discus Islam study Islamic history, study Islamic khalafat. You need to research & study islam & visor some Islamic scholar & discus your reservations & questions. Above discussion & references are unrealistic biased & taken out of context. If hope you’ll take it positively & refrain from such posts in future. Earn money but don’t hurt someone feelings.


I know a lot about islam. Nothing he writes is untrue. Point to where he is wrong instead of "suggesting" he should shut up. Islam is destroying the west. Do yoy want to look 100.000 young white british girls in the eyes and explain to them that they got raped and tortured for the greater good. For multiculturalism. Look yourself in the mirror.

multiculturalism is main problem none that should have happened. it just creates chaos in the world reason why god kept us apart how to get world peace get rid of this idea multiculturalism is a failed idea, well its more cultural marxism.

The value of diversity is often overstated. It should be embraced when valuable, not forced. If people want to immigrate/emigrate and they bring value to a new location, they should be welcomed, assuming they want to be a part of that culture. Attempting to take over cultures by cultural relocation leads to situations like we see in the UK.

You would really look them in the eye and say you were raped because Islam? Most of those women will tell you having had first hand experience that it is not "because Islam" it is about power as it is in any country, and while they may be coming from countries where they have no respect for women, this is down to culture within the country, not within the religion that happens to exist in that country.

"look 100.000 young white british girls in the eyes and explain to them that they got raped and tortured for the greater good. "
I assume you are talking about the domestic abuse of "white british girls" by their own "white british" male partners ? Domestic abuse is indeed a huge problem mostly for women (though some men are victims too) and obviously not just for white girls but for any race, nationality, religion.
If you are referring to something else, can you provide the referenced research source (not a news report but an actual police research report?

No. Talking about the 100k children raped by mainly muslims. Youre not up to date? Provide police reports for your statement first please.

@scandinavianlife you nothing know about islam nor your BIBLE. ask them your brothers who converting muslims rapidly :)

If everyone jumped off a bridge, does that make it right?

The only reason Islam is spreading so fast is birth rates. Having 8 children pumped out by keeping your women chained to the oven for 30 years does make for a widely-spreading faith.

**Even after eight children, our women enjoy a long healthy life. But 60% of your girls and boys become AIDS patients at the age of 30. This is the fact that your community is. Accept it. You should care about your community. You dont need to criticise on our population, our women, our cultural, our religion. First, You should take care of your youngers. YOUR porn industry destroying you Not Islam destroying you and you are blaming ISLAM. Never write anything bad about ISLAM again. Thanks, **

islam is desteoying the west because of thousands of christians converting into islam day by day :)
you are poor people who have no proper clothes to wear, Read HOLY BIBLE and find out where it written that make porn movies ?? You did not accept you HOLY BOOK and talking about HOLY QURAN. what a totally non sense thoughts you have...

I know you're not looking for an earnest debate, but we probably agree on more than you think.

The West, which is largely atheistic or amoral culturally, is not currently a model that should be followed. I, too, do not believe pornography is good for a culture, particularly the modern, widely accessible kind. It's just not good for human psychology, it makes for unhappy people, regardless of any moral complaints

Don't mistake my criticisms for an endorsement of what is left of Christianity or the West. You might notice the rest of my blog criticizes those pretty frequently.

I think most governments and cultures suck right now. Realism is a drag.

Omg it would be nice to talk with you 2, you are both right in a way. There is a lot more to this than you know. I have been researching it for 6 yrs now and you have to go deeper to find the cause. I think the US and the EU has been sold out and the muslem population is being used think about globalism and the left agenda.

You need 3 things to globalize

  1. A equal living standard for all ( this means some are gonna take a huge hit in their way of life to ensure others are and feel equal )

  2. A one world currency ( think digital and no it wont be BC it will be one they can control and rob from )

  3. A one world religion so the dogma fighting will end.

And a again dumbed down working class that cannot threaten them.

You even don't know Abc of ISlam

I'm sorry that the truth hurts. The statistics are in, and they are conclusive.

You don't know the definition of plagiarism.

What statistics are in? 80% of people in an abuse case are Pakistani?

where is this publicated? Why do the post lack references?

Who created ISIS ? not muslims...

America created ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Stop resisting us. You can't win. We own you. You've never hurt us and you never will.



Islam is the most stupid thing in the whole multiverse. If I were Donald Trump or Putin, I would certainly wipe all these motherfuckers out from the face of the earth.

What's the use of those nuclear warheads if they aren't put to test? Just grab some hundreds of them and mix with swine fats, send to Islamic countries for fuck sake.

No more brainless plague to the society worshiping their imaginary friend like an idiot. End of story!

Is this your theses? wounder where the brainless worship is stemming from, you worship trump and putin, and direct hate towards millions of holy men/women, strong case!

Hate breeds hate.... go spread it at facebook

millions of holy men/women

What a fucking joke!

If there's a group of people who were 'somewhat' entitled to the term 'holy' it should be the Tibetan or Buddhist monks, not your stupid rats who don't understand shit.

This is your view ? wounder where the hate comes from... you know many christians live peacefully in Iran side by side with Muslims? There are no calls for unjustified violence in the quran.

What you address is problems with cultures and society, why express your hatred over the millions of ACTUAL holy men and women?

So just because you find Buddhist monks more holy, an Imam can´t be? Argumentation error , Red herring distraction, non consequential information etc etc

Take your petty and small view full of hate to Facebook where you are all equally wise xD

over the millions of ACTUAL holy men and women

Seriously? Best laughs in months so far! I'm dying for your good sense of humor.

Take your petty and small view full of hate to Facebook

What is your authority over me for having the guts to force me express my views on a fully retarded Facebook? I want to know. You seem too special to demand such. Facebook is only for those psychologically incapacitated butthurts, just like you, who would like to preserve their sensitive pussy. Try some lube next time!

Again non consequential i have claimed no such authority merely suggested a place to find equals.

There are over 200 million Muslim why would not 1% be actual holy in their life style ? Again non consequential.

I feel glad to be able to express understanding towards all living things including you! :) There are nothing strange with your view, hatred towards over 200 million humans due to the actions of a few. That is the judgment of hate and pettiness spread by main steam media, don´t eat it whole :)

Why not comment on all the Christians living peacefully with Muslims in Iraq??? ah rite it conflicts with your hate towards 100´s of millions!


There are over 200 million Muslim why would not 1% be actual holy in their life style ? Again non consequential.

So you're saying the 1% of Moslems represent the entirety of Islam? Sound argument you have.

And for your information, I have been a member of more than 1,000 Facebook groups which include Christians vs Muslims, Christians vs Atheists, Christians vs Atheists vs Agnostics, Occultism, Mysticism, Magick, Science, Philosophy, Flat Earth, so on and so forth. I have been to a countless battles online, some morons would resort to life threatening when ran out of reason but I don't give a damn fuck. What's your point?

Reason why I no longer hang out on there is because I realized it would be better to move the battleground wherein I get paid for expressing all my point of views. If you're thinking Facebook is the best place to talk about stuff like this nowadays, then you are a clueless sheep on how bigoted the Pussybook internal censorship can be.

That is the judgment of hate and pettiness spread by main steam media, don´t eat it whole :)

I don't rely on mainstream media nor social media to gather information for fuck sake! I was born and grew up in Mindanao you son of a bitch and I witnessed first hand how retarded and how barbaric these stupid Muklo a-k-a Moslems particularly when they were in their home territory. Get your facts straight before defending some really stupid shit!

And for your information, I have been a member of more than 1,000 Facebook groups which include Christians vs Muslims, Christians vs Atheists, Christians vs Atheists vs Agnostics, Occultism, Mysticism, Magick, Science, Philosophy, so on and so forth. I have been to a countless battles online, some morons would resort to life threatening when ran out of reason but I don't give a damn shit. What's your point?

That explains all of it.... Why you want to murder 200 million humans by a-bombs due to the violence of a few. . . . .

I am defending every Muslim that do not act in violence without reason, and there are plenty, when someone brings these kind of hate and miss direction.

1% = Millions, I claim millions to be holy, see the direct consequence of my statement, 1% = holy, do not bomb them please and do not wish hate upon them. It was you who denied their existence all along. I have made no other claims on that topic.

I am sure most Muslims live simple lives, as farmers, and only wish for good harvests, so hope Allah will give it to them.
You have no idea what is going on in this world, merely judging 200 million humans based on the actions of a few violent intolerant humans, rendering you the same. Very much in line with mainstream medias opinion.

To bad you feel the urge to kill and destroy so much and so many lives, makes you worse then all of them, combined. I ll pray for your soul <3

Haha the Facebook spirit

get your facts straight before defending some really stupid shit!

You conveniently leave out the part where only MUSLIMS COUNT AS HUMAN BEINGS IN ISLAM.

You are wrong here please search freely on islam and its laws and rights.Islam is a peaceful religion, you can read the history of prophet PBUH .Also you can take lectures of Dr Zakir naik in english for more information.You can read abulaala moudui book deneeyat in English for detail .
.If you can not do this, read Quran in english and tell us the points where you feels that Islam only called muslims human beings with example from Quran or hadith.Islam is polite with all human beings and respect all human beings no matter its a muslim or non muslim
read the history of muslim wars and you will find these rules ,
war will be defense , not killing womens ,innocent childrens ,old mens,ban on destroying non muslims worshipping places, ban on cutting trees and poisoning water

Islam is a religion of mercy to all people, both Muslims and non-Muslims. The Prophet was described as being a mercy in the Quran due to the message he brought for humanity:

"And We have not sent you but as a mercy to all the worlds." (Quran 21:107
Islam is a religion of tolerance. It has granted equal rights to the non-Muslims in the Islamic State, but without imposing equal duties on them. The reason is that Islamic State, unlike the modern national State, classifies citizens into two categories according to their religion or faith: Muslims and non-Muslims. Muslims have different kinds of rights and duties than those of the non-Muslims.As the Islamic State is an ideological State, its defence (jihad) is the duty of the Muslims only, while the non-Muslims are exempted from this duty.

Thank you

If that exists as a legitimate Islamic belief then go find that from a viable source (not propaganda nor extremist individual) and post it here. Because this is looking really ignorant now.

Haha and then u people talk about human rights and shit... while demanding to wipe out 2 billion people! HAHA!

Who says I talk about human rights? Stop assuming you faggot. Also please note, blindfolded idiots don't count as humans in my book. Morality is fucking relative, deal with it you dumbass! Now you've just licked my balls.

well, I assumed that because almost 99% of westerners do believe in human rights and freedom and stuff. I appreciate that you are at least honest about rejecting it. But please, if you dont count these people as humans in your book, then dont expect humanity from them when the going gets tough.

then dont expect humanity from them when the going gets tough.

Well, it's already been a tough situation here (Mindanao) long before I was born into this freakin' world. Almost five (5) decades of sustained armed conflicts have been the socio-political norm. If Russia or the Pentagon would just drop a couple of warheads into these Moslem infiltrated area, that would be awesome.

So you purposely want to kill women and children for this? dude what is the difference between you and the terrorists...

May I ask you a question, what makes these stupid women and children so important than those dying every day from hunger and diseases, as if they have a significant place in the vastness of the entire immeasurable universe?

If killing all potential terrorists be the solution to end terrorism itself, so be it. I don't give a fuck! Again there is no objective morality no matter how you philosophize everything. The end justifies the means!

Free your fuckin' mind and make it up bruh! You're still stuck in the futile conventional way of thinking.

Yeah I see your point but the way you justify it is only possible from an atheistic world view - which I do not have. So we should end this discussion right at that point.

Good opinion

Whats wrong with offending someone?- Is silence a preferred state in your world?

Sounds about right.

We don't give a rodent's rectum about your feelings mate, why don't you scoot off back to Facebook, maybe tweet your mum? Maybe she cares about your feely feelings, i mean, come on, how old are you, 10 ?