How can one be easily forgotten?

in #life6 months ago

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It is never easy to forget someone, especially when that person was important in your life. But with time and by taking the right steps it is possible to overcome this difficulty.

Some ways to forget someone:

  • Give Time: Time is the greatest healer. Over time the pain will subside and you will be able to start life anew.
  • Cut contact: Contacting him may increase your pain. Block on social media, delete numbers.
  • Create a new habit: A new hobby, activity or habit will help divert your mind.
  • Forget old memories: Old memories haunt your mind. Try to make new memories.
  • Love yourself: Take care of yourself, make time for yourself.
  • Spend time with friends: Spending time with friends will make you feel good.
  • Seek Professional Help: If you cannot deal with this problem alone, seek the help of a mental health professional.


  • Time varies for everyone: Some may take less time and some may take more time.
  • Don't blame yourself: It's not your fault.
  • Be patient: It will take time to get over the pain.

Some more important points:

  • Getting over the past is possible: Getting over the past doesn't mean you didn't love the relationship. It means you want to move your life forward.
  • Heal yourself before getting ready for a new relationship: It is very important to heal yourself before getting into a new relationship.
  • Believe in yourself: You can overcome this hardship.

Hope this information is useful for you.

If you want to know any more information don't hesitate.

Note: These information are general suggestions only. If you have serious mental health issues, be sure to seek the advice of a mental health professional.

Good luck to you.