Setting the heart to achieve happiness
Companions, every human being would want a happy life, enjoying life without feeling overwhelmed by problems. and this will only be felt by the person who sincerely sincere, guarding every charity, good deeds of worship and good deeds in social life, only for God.

There is no desire to be praised, valued, respected creatures. Lightweight when doing something, what matters to him is the pleasure and blessing of God. He knows that his duty in this world is only two, first to straighten the intention always, just to reach the love of God, and then he must refine his efforts so that the expected results are truly optimal, the best he can offer.
So he does not care about the appreciation of others, he is still eager to do good deeds, for him the most important, what he does get the pleasure of Allah. Sustenance for him is when he is able to do the righteous alignment and charity with the best charity.