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RE: Am I depressed?

in #life6 years ago

You definitely sound mildly depressed and generally a little lost. Consider talking to a Doctor and getting some mild anti-depressants. Keep talking to people, don't lose contact and for some, sharing helps a lot. However, only you can break this vicious circle and all any of us can do is offer support.
I wish you best wishes and good for you for doing the most difficult thing which is opening up and talking about and admitting to yourself that you do have a problem.
Be nice to yourself and take care :-)


I do appreciate your words. However, I'm not sure if I can go to the doctor.

Ok...well you need to keep up with your Steemit therapy and be social with your friends and family but try to talk to a medical professional if you can please. It would help :-)

Posted using Partiko Android

I will try. One step at a time. I talk to my family but not personal stuff and how I'm feeling. I don't really wanna burden them and we weren't raised close to each other.