I Don't Believe in God and That Doesn't Make Me a Bad Person

in #life7 years ago

I do not believe in God and I've run out of apologies.tumblr_mn3kgiBCsP1snofhpo1_500.gif

This has always been a touchy subject for me. I recently read @zoedolan's intro "Am I Transgender Anymore?" and it urged me to go ahead and talk about something I already meant to bring up with you guys. Thank you, Zoe, for reminding me of the importance in this!

I know there's a pretty diverse community here who may not understand the severity of this for me because not all places hold the same beliefs.

I have lived in East Texas all my life. I lived in Dallas first, but then I moved deeper into East Texas to a community called Diana, Texas. There were 66 of us in our graduating class of 2014. I was raised in church in Dallas and apparently "accepted God into my heart" when I was 6 years old. I don't think at that age I could have possibly understood what that meant.

I knew when I was 10 I didn't believe. I also knew my classmates, their parents, and my teachers were devout Christians. If I'd spoken my true feelings I would've been stoned to death before my peers hung me from the flagpole after school for everyone to point and laugh at!

Most of my peers assumed they understood my whole life. There were two churches in the community and everyone went to one or the other. Being the new student, it did not take them long to catch on that I wasn't a member of either.

Then it started.

In the fifth grade it started with "Oh, Natalee is gothic." I had never heard that word before. Then it escalated to one of the lovely church girls telling everyone that I, at 10 years old, was pregnant. Then I was gothic, fat, and pregnant. The next year I was a devil worshipper. The year after that I was a devil worshipper and a whore who cut myself. And then came rumors that I was giving blow jobs to high school boys at school. It was always something.

These were all things that were said about me simply because I did not join in the prayer circle at school and I was not seen at church on Wednesdays or Sundays. I wasn't cutting myself, I certainly wasn't participating in sex of any kind and despite being called a devil worshipper all I wanted was to love and care for others.

I was never good enough for them. I was in the first quarter of our class, made straight A's and I was kind to everyone - but I was still ugly as far as they were concerned.

I was taboo.

I once heard someone, Christy, telling an innocent Mormon girl that she would burn in Hell for being a Mormon and that she was an atrocity to the school because of her beliefs. That's why I sarcastically said they would've stoned me to death had they known that I really didn't believe in God. I always lied and said I did believe because it was easier that way. I did not owe them an explanation and frankly I knew I'd be talking to a brick wall if I tried to explain to them all the reasons why I didn't - and still don't - believe.

After I turned down the pre-med scholarship and decided to stay home, I started working at JC Penney to make a living. I had a very sweet elderly woman who needed help finding a nice comforter set for her bedroom. We didn't have what she liked in the store but I took the time to bring her to one of our computers to show her our online selection. After spending four hours with her we found exactly what she was looking for! My day was made knowing that I made her day - she was lit up with happiness and appreciation towards me. It wasn't until she thanked me that my day went downhill:

She smiled bright and beautifully, held my hands in hers, looked deeply into my soul and said "You have been such a wonderful help today. I just know you're a great Christian girl. You are a Christian girl, aren't you?" I smiled, hid my frustration and nodded yes. She asked what church I attended. I lied, said I'd only been in the area for a month or so and hadn't found a church yet. Of course she invited me to hers and I thanked her, but I was incredibly bothered.

Can I not be a great girl if I am not a Christian? Is that all I am good for? Can I not NOT believe and still have morals, respect, and intelligence? What if I'd said that no, I do not believe in God? Would she have taken back her thank you, or would she have guilt tripped me for not sharing her beliefs?

I gave her a hug and told her I would call as soon as her order arrived at our store. I was bothered for the rest of the night. For whatever reason, after years of hiding, that was it for me.

Shortly after my encounter with her I told my family, friends, and whoever is following me on social media that I do not believe and that I couldn't hide myself any longer. I was so afraid I would lose people important to me when I "came out of the closet" about my feelings. It actually went very well. I have received a lot of respect since then and I have really enjoyed it.

Now when I'm having a hard time, people say "You're in my thoughts," or "I'm sending happiness/positivity your way" instead of "I'm praying for you."

Do not get me wrong - if someone cares enough about me to pray for me, I completely respect and appreciate that. It means very much to me. But now that people respect me enough to remember how I feel and acknowledge it when trying to comfort me, I can't help but just want to squeeze those people close to my heart. How generous those people are for believing so strongly in something, knowing I don't feel the same, and adjusting their words to make the conversation feel more genuine for me.

I feel less heavy, less tension, and more like myself since "coming out". People understand me better. I'm voicing who I am and that's been a big obstacle for me for a very long time.

It hasn't been easy, however. I set up a booth in Gladewater, Texas at a local festival last year. I was selling my jewelry. I noticed a lot of people were in awe of my loose amethyst crystals, so I poured them in a bowl and was selling single stones to those who wanted them. One man walked up and handed me a pamphlet about Jesus. I said "Thank you so much!" and he asked, "Do you believe in God?" I said "No, sir, but I appreciate your pamphlet anyway." and he very bluntly said "Well that's just pathetic. You're going to burn in hell." and he walked away. A woman came up right after him, looked at my crystals and said "Umm, you do know there's only ONE healer, don't you? And I'm not talking about your crystals." I said "That's fantastic to know, ma'am, but I never said my crystals are for healing." ... At that point I was becoming very frustrated and could feel my blood boiling, but I was still being nice. Another woman walked up. Her son saw my rocks and asked if he could please buy one. She looked at my rocks in horror, looked up at me, and said "No, son. We don't DO that kind of thing." and she quickly scooped up her children and ran away as if I were going to possess her children and eat her guts in public.

I've had a "friend" who tries to give me ultimatums - she'll say "I'll do this for you if you let me sit you down and try to bring you closer to God afterwards." At first I appreciated it and felt it was a nice gesture - then it became excessive. I knew she had good intentions, but I shouldn't have to change my beliefs to be worthy of her friendship. If she does not love me and accept how I feel, I will not change myself to accommodate her or anyone. That's absurd.

I've been cussed out, shamed, and made to feel stupid many times since being truthful about how I feel. And that's okay. Everyone wasn't raised to be as polite as I was and I don't have anger towards anyone for that.

I really wanted to write this to let people know that just because someone doesn't believe does not mean they are weak, unintelligent, or troubled souls. In fact, I think my fiance and I are incredibly strong and decently intelligent for two young adults who've yet to begin college. Troubled souls, maybe, but we become stronger with time and experience. Some people, though, aren't dysfunctional at all - they were just raised to believe in science. It does not make them less than.

I hope people of all backgrounds read this and understand a little easier. I know you all have good intentions and are only doing what you feel is right by Him...or by whoever or whatever you believe in. I can only speak for myself, but for me, the more the Bible is forced down my throat the more I never, ever ever ever ever EVER want to give it the time of day. I do not feel good when someone makes me feel like I am less than for not worshipping.

Something else John and I have talked about in depth is that if our daughter ever comes home and asks to go to Sunday school or church camp, you can bet your ass I will take her! I see no WRONG in people wanting to believe in a higher power and I want my angel to express herself without fear of our reactions. I just know that for me personally religion is not the answer at this time in my life and I still have 100% confidence that I can be a fantastic person regardless. For me, life is all about the kindness in our hearts, the gentleness in our touch, and passion for the things we love no matter what they are.

I love everyone and I think people of faith who turn people like myself away are really missing out on loving, wholesome friendships.

I picture myself as a child and it saddens me to reflect on the hate I received growing up. Here I was, a damaged, hurting little girl who would try to say things like "Hey, I know you think I'm a freak but I care about you all so much and I just want to be your friend," but nobody could hear me over their overpowering comments about how awful I was. I would say "Hey, I overheard you talking to your friend about that boy who hurt you. I think you are so beautiful and he is not the boy for you," but nobody could hear me over their yelling that I was bad. I was no good. I was trash.

I was nothing but background noise to them. I could physically feel their pain when I would overhear them crying about their parents getting divorced, a family member dying, or another classmate treating them poorly. I would force my tears away when I would hear them cry to others about the pain they endured because I understood.

I was different. I never expected them to understand me in return. I just hoped they could treat me like a human. I wanted to enter the room without someone looking at me, cringing, and asking "Do you kill people?" before the whole class burst into uncontrollable laughter.

I wanted someone to give me the time of day the way I tried for them.

This was not written to offend anyone or to make you feel guilty. In fact, if you felt guilty, I would probably end up feeling guilty for making you feel guilty! I just think that people like me endure a lot of unnecessary stress and pain because people react with judgement instead of with love.

If more of us reacted with love we could make incredible changes in the world. Not only in the United States, but in every country.

Thank you all.


Hi Natelee... you did not made me feel quilty BUT very sad. I am so sorry for your bad childhood experiences. Every kid deserve a happy childhood. Kids that make remarks you could excuse, but for adults, so-called christians to reject you, made you feel bad do not understand the message of the Bible. It is not about going to hell it is about the unfathomless love of the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ for every person on earth.
They defininately not fullfilling the great commanment that Jeus told us too.
And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38This is the great and first commandment. 39And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
SO on behalf of all those people, I apologise to you.
Know this even if you do not believe in God. He still loves you!

I really appreciate you choosing that word. I try not to label myself as anything because I want to stay very open minded, but I think people who claim to be agnostic ARE very open minded. I could never say that God does not exist. How the heck can I know? I'm nobody. He very well could exist. Just not for me so far. Thank you.

it's not possible to prove a negative...not unless you ARE god.
how ever...if the positive approach is taken...what's his 800 number and why's he not returning calls?

That is a fantastic question I've pondered all my life

consider the scientific method.
Not just for scientists anymore...it's good for everyone

Just common sense really...not at all a new thing.

anyone who says otherwise is trying to tell you something.
grab your wallet,
back away slowly..
then turn and run for your life.

:-) His number is Jeremiah 33:3 "3‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’"
He is returning my calls!

I know what u are going threw I am atheist in the fact that I don't believe in God or gods created by man I am judge by this daily creates separation and over emotionally brawls I didn't use to use that title cause I also don't believe in definement by titles iam connected to all things in creation and I am very spiritual but to use religion to give me an identity never just do u by knowing what's best for u others views and opinions r Just that be the remarkable ,smart, beautiful, person that u are and enjoy life peace

Your right, it doesn't make you a good or bad person. You have your beliefs and should be able to hold them with out fear of judgement just as anyone else should.

Hi, I've seen some of your publications I'm going to follow, follow me and let's collaborate together =)

You are a Beauty-Full Being and I Thank you for sharing your heart with all of us. Thank you for Being YOU! Much Love <3

I thank you so much for your kind words. You are the best 😊

Welcome to steemit

Thank you!!!💕💗💖❤💜💛💙💚

You sound like a wonderful person, still accepting everyone for what they choose to believe and not faulting them for their actions. That's something you can be really proud of. I know I wouldn't have handled it that well.

It made my heart happy to read your comment. I'm certainly an empath, I know that much. No matter how ugly someone is to me, I can always feel their pain, I always put myself in their shoes, and it backfires almost everytime! Hahaha. I really appreciate your comment though. Sometimes I don't want to be patient with people anymore, but I try so hard to avoid confrontation that sometimes I don't speak when I should. 😞 I'm trying to find a healthy balance

I can understand people's actions most of the time, it's just really hard for me to accept them, even if I understand. I still think that they should be smarter than to be such a pain to others. Use their inner filter, you know? I also find it hard to speak up, so then I just end up disliking a lot of people! I really think it's a strong asset to have to be able to forgive and forget, I just can't always find the patience/will for it.

I hope you find your balance! As long as you do the thing that makes you happy the most. It's the most important thing :-)

Judgmental groupies is what I call the self proclaimed "christian" people like the ones you have encountered. They hopefully will learn to be more accepting.......like you. Very fifth dimensional of you, I must say.

Thank you so much for saying that. 😊 You're certainly right about a lot of them being self proclaimed. I know plenty of lovely Christians, so I hope it doesn't sound like I am attacking them. That is not my intention. But where I live, I see a lot of self righteous, spiteful, un-loving Christians and it often pushes me further from the desire to believe.

Nice to meet you, fellow Texan here. Tossed you a follow.

Hi, I followed you, too! Thank you! 😊

Dear my friend @nataleejean

First of all, thank you for letting me know your situation.
But I did not know that much of your body was sick.
So I was very sad when I read your text.
All I can do is just my heart that you do not want to hurt. I'm sorry I can not do anything.

I saw this post you wrote a while ago.
I did not comment.
Because my thoughts were not clear.

"I do not go to church" came to my mind.
I also do not attend church.
Of course, whether you go to church or not, it is your freedom.
But when I read it, I thought that it was hard for almost everyone to attend church nevertheless, it would have been really hard for you not to go to church.

But I support you.
I think that you do not necessarily have to go to church if everyone is going to church.

I do not speak English well and can not express correctly, but I support your idea.
There is no reason to do it unless you want to!
This is what I want to tell you.

I cheer my friends.
And I would really like it if your body is healthy.
Cheer up my friend!

Dear Nataleejean I was happy to come across your post, I want you to know that we so called Christians also struggle with our belief in God now and then. This is natural response to a supernatural entity. People can only judge by their five senses and try to figure out Gods plan for them, instead of just living their lives from moment to moment and following his word within us. When you mess up tell people your sorry, and go on and try to do better, remember God loves you more than you can imagine, and wishes to live in you united with Him.