When Treats are essential...
Hola Fellow Steemians... just sharing my delicious reward to self for making it through the confusing process of paying my parking ticket while it was still half price... in a bank I wasn't familiar with... with no English... when I couldn’t even see how to get in through the door and was feeling a right foreigner numpty ... and even more so when a local pointed through the door at the entry buzzer right next to me... I waited ages... patiently... to see the one teller on duty and practiced scenarios of Spanish silently in my head while getting my glasses and google translate at the ready... I made it to the desk and cockily thought I was rocking it until the teller handed me back the parking ticket and money then got up and went and put his jacket on and started to walk out the bank... eh??? ... but he turned round and beckoned me to follow him to the outside cash machine... where it was bloody freezing and he basically did the whole process for me... despite me not putting enough money in and having to restart... and continually misspelling my name through the ultra sensitive touch screen... with a queue building behind me... and then hey presto .... out comes a printed receipt and job done. He even smiled as I tried to enthuse more out of my meagre ‘muchas gracias’....
I love life in the Alpujarras ... and note to self... don’t park there again! 😎
Sally xx