Sometimes there just aren't the words...
Hola Fellow Steemians! Tonight it is the new moon and there are some interesting and unexpected new chapters opening up right now which I'm going to share once the dust is at least a little bit more settled. I may even make it my D-Tube début, because what's happening is life changing... again!
In the meantime, I'm sharing the miracle and beauty of our Mother Earth. As we drove down our track late this afternoon, the sun was setting and we were above the clouds... and the goat herd was passing by. I literally leapt out the car and spent a while immersing in the colours and views and sounds of the bells.
Some may say that the view is spoilt by the pylons and cables, but I say... "Why do you focus upon the 'negative'... can't you see past them to enjoy and appreciate the natural spectacle in front of you?"
No words can describe the deep peace, love and gratitude that moved through me like a welcome warm wave. It was sheer bliss!
Wishing you all a beautiful evening!
Sally xx

Really beautiful images and text in this post Sally. It's a pleasure to meet you! I am so glad you stopped by my blog 🙏🎶💜❄ i live the little orb in the first picture. The spirits sre with you! I had one too! In one of the pictures of snow in mt previous blog. We are so blessed by the presence of the powerful spiritual forces around us! I am glad to be able to talk with you about it! I work in this field too. Chanelling is not what i personally practice persé though it's happened at times. But, journeying and intrusive energy removal, reiki and space clearing/ blessing are my jam!!
Hey @yogajill! What a lovely reply... thank you! It's great to meet someone you can talk easily and openly to about channelling and all that 'stuff!' I was so scared about coming out of the 'channelling closet' in the beginning because there's so much misunderstanding and instant judgement... but I've learnt that the 'right' people will always find their way to you... and the rest is a learning curve in building confidence and being ourselves and basically getting out of the way so the energy can do the work! Love that you called your work 'your jam' it made me smile... what you do is powerful! 😄xx