Don't turn away when it gets uncomfortable...COMPASSION can save US!

in #life6 years ago


So there are these times where shit gets uncomfortable... somebody puts something out there on social media or directly contacts you with a serious problem that makes you can tell they are in distress but you have mixed feelings, its too intense, it involves other people, it’s a family issue, maybe other political parties, whatever it is causing your resistance... this is the moment you make a decision. You could opt out and turn away from them... deflecting, rejecting, resisting, ignoring, excusing...whatever it be.. OR, you set it down on the table and next to it, you place your heart.... and then you say," I DON’T KNOW WHAT IS THE ANSWER, BUT I LOVE YOU AND I WANT TO HEAR YOU. I WANT YOU TO KNOW YOU HAVE A VOICE AND YOU MATTER"....period... and listen... this is not a is not a weakness... this is called COMPASSION. You can’t have it until you are willing to set aside your differences and place your heart next to another’s....and just hear them...and then listen to what you heard...let it resonate, try to get into their shoes (however you can fit) and find a way to relate... we all can relate on some level... this is how we unify... this is how we make the unheard voices heard and their minds finally quiet down... we need this peace in our individual minds, in our homes, in this State, Country and ultimately in the World... This reasoning is Universal... and by golly necessary for our overall health and Survival. Bless you all and lets try... every person counts... 🤲❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

I want to say that I am here for those that need to be heard...Reach out to me... I will listen and YOU ARE LOVED! ❤️

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