Souls of Destiny

in #life9 years ago (edited)

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For our love is a true love, an eternal love, our souls mated together as one.

Love is the acceptance of all the imperfections of our partner. True love makes you better than you would be without that person in your life.

It is a magnetic energy, an intuitive knowing and it just seems right. There is no matter of space or time, you have found your way to one another.

There is a flow and a rhythm that seems to be guided by something much higher. You step back to catch your breath because deep down you know this is special. This is different. This is genuine.

The one you hear whisper when they think about you. The one who lets you move freely but embraces your shadow from afar. The 1 you feel like you have known for a million years.

Each past life prepares us for our next, and strengthened our bonds as soulmates. Being with our soul mate can bring joy and pain, however we learn from both but most describe our existence with our soulmates as enriched beyond measure.

Soulmates have a tendency to look into each others eyes when speaking more often than ordinary couples.
They often have an immediate connection the moment they meet. They are perfectly suited to another in temperament and will strongly resemble another in attitudes or beliefs. There is often also a mental connection similar to twins.

It is commonly accepted that 1 will feel complete once they have found their soulmate, as it is partially in the perceived definition that shows 2 souls are meant to unite. There is an unspoken understanding of one another, that they feel unified and would lie with each other in unity and would know no greater joy than that.

Soulmates from time to time separate for a life or 2 and not appear at all. The statement 'we need to grow a while on our own' is often said.

Being with the wrong person for a period in your life does not mean that time was wasted. The relationship was probably intended in advance. In fact, you might see this soul again in the spirit world in a different light.

If your soulmate is suppose to appear they will appear and they will come into your life, often when you least expect it.

Soulmates are people who bring out the the best in you. They are not perfect but are perfect for you!

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