Follow me down the rabbit hole - part 2 including Elton John & Elizabeth Taylor

in #life9 years ago (edited)

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Death and life are not far apart. When I look for their origin it goes back into infinity: when I look for their end, it proceeds without termination. Life is the follower of death and death is the predecessor of life.
-Chuang Tzu

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth admits to an out-of-body experience. She left her body during surgery and remembers being drawn through a tunnel towards a brilliant white light. She describes being greeted by her 3rd husband Micheal Todd who was killed in a plane crash in 1958. He told her that she had to return but she was reluctant because she said it was a state of bliss like she had never known on earth. Then Elizabeth awoke to be told she had been clinically dead.

Elton John

Underwent regression and Elton found himself in a beautiful French chateau, lavish and crammed full of beautiful things and with gold leaf all over the place. He then found himself being treated for shrapnel wounds during the 1st world war. His wife was by his bed and he was done fighting. Elton then saw himself early forties in Venice, gravely ill. His hour before death with a priest by his side. He carried on, "I'm a bus driver in London". It's early forties. He is living in the house he grew up in with his parents and wife. Aged 40, he lost control of the bus and crashed. Elton had a recurring dream that night of a melody. It can be heard on the album 'Sleeping with the past'.

Alexandrina Samona

15th March 1910 5year old Alexandrina died in Palermo, Sicily. Several days after her death, her mother, Adela dream't her daughter had appeared saying " I shall become little like this" and showed a likeness of a new-born baby. The dream was recurring but it was physically impossible for Adela to bear any more children. On 22nd November Adela gave birth to twin daughters, 1 of whom so closely reassembled Alexandria that the parents named her after the death girl. Alexandria II also bared memories of past lives.

Robin Hull

5 years old at the time his mother noticed him uttering strange sounds. She just thought it was baby words but as time went on, he continued to utter these strange words. Robin sat with a professor one afternoon and he discovered that Robin was indeed speaking a dialect used in Northern Tibet. When questioned, Robin could recall his previous life and describe his school in full detail that the professor took a trip and found the school as described in Kuen-hun.

James Leininger

On his 5th birthday, James drew the cockpit of a plane. He told his parents he had flown a plane and died in it. He correctly positioned every dial, gauge and lever and could explain the function of each of them, including the button that released the bombs. He also drew the insignia that had appeared on his uniform and that of his comrades.

Barbro Karlen

1952 aged 2years old the Swedish girl told her parents, they were not her real parents and that her name was Anne Frank. As Barbro approached her teens, she became confused when the subject of Anne Frank was discussed at school. She wondered how it was possible for her to be 2 people at the same time. At the age of 10 she went to Amsterdam to visit Anne's house. She knew how to walk there and could describe things that were now taken to museums.

Follow me @nailsbykara01 to continue further down the rabbit hole.


That's some crazy stuff.. Don't know why this wasn't upvoted more :/

@stealthtrader thank you. posts on steemit are hard to get attention now-a-days. if you liked this one, please view part 1
Another related post Let me know what you think.