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RE: Why religions and ideologies suck and why a truly logical and freedom-minded spirituality needs to be the core of our humanity instead

in #life8 years ago

good read, especially the last half. couple things i wanna state thou, in no way am i attacking you or am i an atheist Im just point somethign out here. Other than the bible there is no other proof of Jesus Christ, follow anyone else's writing around that same time, and no one mentions Jesus at all... was he even real?
also whats your thots on Stoicism? I'd say Im a devout stoic, just unsure if its an ideology or religion or something else. its pretty much everything you mentioned about the way people should act, but i dont know what to classify it under. if your unsure what it is, its an ancient logical filosofee I guess, look it up
and re steemed!


Thanks very much. In regards to your first question, there are quite a number of reasons that I believe that Christ was a real person. Unfortunately I don't think I can do it real justice here so I'm not going to attempt it. I think I would need another article for that.

Regarding stoicism, I have a tremendous amount of respect for it. The logic of learning from nature and living in harmony with it is absolutely correct. You will not find a better teacher than nature because we are part of it. Truly spiritual individuals always recognize this. They also recognize that disobeying nature and disobeying our own nature both bring nothing but pain and suffering.

There is an excellent quote from St. Augustine that I very much appreciate and that has a very stoic thinking to it. "Therefore the good man, although he is a slave, is free; but the bad man, even if he reigns, is a slave, and that not of one man, but, what is far more grievous, of as many masters as he has vices."

nice quote!
stoicism just makes sense, Im glad you also agree with it.

I was merely pointing out some things that I have read and seen regarding Christ, I wasnt alive than so I have no idea if he was real or not. Im not gonna just believe a book, just my 2 cents, I believe in a god, not necesarily Jesus but to each there own.

I understand your point. My belief in His physical existence has other reasons than just the biblical texts behind it. I am also not one that believes the Bible is some infallible text and everything in it is some sacrosanct message direct from the mouth of God. Everything in this world is fallible, the Bible is no exception.

We need to be constantly in the process of evaluating legitimate evidence of what the real truth is since "the powers that shouldn't be" are constantly doing whatever they can to distort a true understanding of the reality that we live in. Missing context, disinformation, confusion, and destruction of human purpose are the cornerstones upon which mankind is controlled. Orwell had it correct, “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

that is a good quote by Orwell, ince wokr!

According to Wikipedia, in an entry called Historicity of Jesus, "Non-Christian sources which are used to study and establish the historicity of Jesus include Jewish sources such as Josephus and Roman sources such as Tacitus." Later, it states "The Roman historian Tacitus, in his Annals (written ca. AD 116), book 15, chapter 44.,[37] referred both to 'Christus' and his execution by Pontius Pilate."

you know that Wikipedia is editable by the public?

Yes. Just because anyone can edit Wikipedia, does it change the fact that those historic texts exist and that they refer to a man called Jesus?

I dunno. im just stating that, i dont believe in Jesus, but I do believe in god