Racism is a noun

in #life8 years ago (edited)

: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race
: the belief that some races of people are better than others
Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary

If you would have asked me as a teenager to give an example of racism, I probably would have mentioned the KKK, the lynching of blacks in the south, and the treatment of the Irish during the nineteenth century. I may have even brought up my own experience of living in Japan as a kindergartener. The other children would not play with me, and at recess they would throw rocks because I was considered a “dirty American.”

Racism is serious. Racism is wrong. Racist acts happen globally and are committed by people of all different hair colors, eye colors, and skin colors. Throughout history different races and cultures have taken turns enslaving and oppressing one another. As empires rose and fell, the bullies would become the bullied.

No race or culture is entitled to exclusive victim status in the realm of racism. To teach or claim otherwise is intellectually dishonest and even culturally destructive.

America is one of the most tolerant countries in the world. I will acknowledge that there are still racist events that happen in this country, just like every other country. There are still individuals that believe that their race is superior and others are inferior. I would argue however, that these individuals are on the fringes of society and invoke a very small following if any at all. The KKK for example is laughed at and seen as ignorant and embarrassing by the vast majority of White Americans.

The definition of Racism was included at the beginning of this post because it is a definition that we have too easily forgotten in this country. I would argue that the meaning of words is important, and to change their meaning to fit with social or political agendas is dangerous.
To clarify my meaning I will give some examples.

Some Examples of Racist Acts:
-Being physically assaulted for no other reason than the color of one’s skin. (I was once told a story about a young black man during the 1950s or 60s. He was beaten within an inch of his life for complementing a white woman on her appearance. I believe he told her she looked pretty.)
-Being segregated, not allowed in certain areas or allowed certain privileges because of the color of one’s skin.
-Denial of employment, housing, medical care, or services due to race.

  • Being told or taught that one is less intelligent or valuable to society because of race, ethnicity, or skin color.

Things That Are Not Racist;

  • Liking white meat more than dark meat
  • Brown paper bags
  • Hoop skirts
  • Air pollution
  • Treating people the same regardless of their skin color
  • Having physical preferences for romantic partners (preferring olive skin, red hair, or broad shoulders, etc.)

When we extend the definition of racism to include silly and trivial ideas such as food preferences, we are doing a huge disservice to those who have experienced actual racism.

We also protect those who are the perpetrators. If racism can be something as minor as preferring a chicken breast to a chicken thigh, or having a certain hairstyle, then suddenly the seriousness or racism is diluted. Those who have fought actual racism begin to seem less heroic. And finally the term “racist” becomes a casual insult thrown around at parties.

There is racism in this country, and when it happens it should be exposed and discussed. However, doing so will be next to impossible if the definition of what racism is cannot be agreed upon.

Thanks for Reading!
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