Why Marijuana is illegal in many countries around the world?

in #life6 years ago

Marihuana gotowa na Steemit ENG#2.png

Marijuana over time attracts more and more followers. This is especially evident in the youth environment. Why is that happening? The older generation acquires information mostly from radio or television, and it is on their basis that they create their own opinion, of course there are exceptions and we can not throw everyone into one sack, while the younger generation relies information that is found in the internet or from their friends. As you know, the Internet is a source in which we can find a large part of knowledge that is real and not manipulated, but television is controversial in this matter and we will not find information on many topics that are true.

The question is : Why?

Marijuana is much better than tobacco but it is illegal.

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1. Deaths caused by use

Tobacco = 5,000,000 deaths per year
Marijuana = 0

2. Medical applications

Tobacco = 0
Marijuana = over 100 different medical applications

3. Toxins

Tobacco = 4,000, of which 69 are carcinogenic
Marijuana = 0

4. Addiction

Tobacco = 32% of people who tried cigarettes became addicted to them
Marijuana = 9% of those who tried marijuana became addicted to it

5. Cancer

Tobacco = 9 out of 10 lung cancers is caused by smoking cigarettes
Marijuana = Cannabinoids prevent the spread of cancer cells and also kill some of them

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As you can see above, marijuana does not leave a dry thread on tobacco. What's more, researches carried out by scientists say that it is 114 times safer than alcohol, and also in this case marijuana is illegal and not alcohol.
If we do not know what's going on, it's about money. In this case, this saying works 100%. Someone must care about marijuana being illegal. These are industries that could lose much.

Who can lose on the legalization of marijuana?

Legalization of marijuana is dangerous for the medical, alcoholic and tobacco industries. This is the case in the US, the alcohol industry has suddenly lost billions of dollars, all because people started smoking marijuana and drinking less.
The alcohol industry is just one of the great industries opposed to legalization.
The pharmaceutical industry is afraid of a safe and effective drug. Cannabis can not only cure a number of ailments, but is also more safe than pharmacological medicines. Marijuana is also cheaper than drugs. It becomes clear that the pharmaceutical industry has to lose when medical marijuana becomes more and more available. At chemotherapy alone, the pharmaceutical industry earns over $ 100 billion a year. Treatment cancer using cannabis oil is much more effective as well as much cheaper.

So why is marijuana illegal?

If we combine all the facts, it will become almost clear that a multi-billion industry will lose too much on legalization - it is all the more strange that we are talking about an industry that usually benefits people and recreation.
Even more worrying is that the pharmaceutical industry is trying to prevent the legalization of a safe and effective drug. The states in which marijuana is legalized have reported a 25% reduction in the number of deaths due to prescription drugs.

We will see what the future will bring. I believe that if people's awareness increases and they start to oppose it massively, the authorities will have to give way. Let us be of good cheer because it will benefit many people.