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RE: Moving on, Letting Go: Finding New Horizons

in #life7 years ago (edited)

thanks for sharing more in detail what you and @walkerland have had going on. i've been reading her side of things for a little bit and i can totally relate as some friendships have been tested in my life lately too. i think your realizations and awarenesses are really wise. all i can think is that as these old companions "die back", it's creating space for more resonant connections to take their place. may it be so! wishing you strong and true friendships <3 also, sorry to hear that that was the response from your friend. that's super calloused. i definitely think it's valuable to be able to open up and have people really receive us. it can hurt when we need to be received and no one's there to catch us <3


as these old companions "die back", it's creating space for more resonant connections to take their place.

I think you are correct @mountainjewel!
The void that these absent friendships created has been filled with other things in their absence: reflection, meditation, love, healing, self awareness, growth - to name a few. Our connection with each other has deepened more than I ever imagined possible as has our collective appreciation for our surroundings and this lifestyle. We have lost much but I would go through it again to hold onto what we have gained.

This is not to say I don't still hold love in my heart for these old friends, I do love them. I'm just learning to accept & appreciate the process.

Thanks for the thoughts and insight. It's nice to see you show up on a post of mine, as I hear your name around here every few days. @walkerland is really quite taken with everything you do. You definitely inspire her.