in #life7 years ago (edited)

"Those who doesn't know how to improve theirselves can not achieve their wants in life"

Good day Steemians!

I am going to share some thoughts on how to improve oneself. Basically, people nowadays needs improvement to have a better way in collaborating their goals in life, wherein they can already identify what's the purpose of their living. Without thinking of any hypnosis, dreams would be difficult to overcome. As we undertake each missions we have in this world we must consider some techniques on how to achieve it. We must guarantee ourselves in a way that we can assure fulfillment in our own.

What is improvement?



*A common word coined on us, for we need it always in our life. Improvement is something you can do with things in order to have a better result or ending. It is one of the greatest factor in aiming to become a successful being.

Make a wealthy living by improving yourself!

Learning from my mistakes.

I can't deny the fact of having so many mistakes in life. In my 20 years of existence, most of the happenings in me were built by mistakes. I grew up in a simple living where people in my community have lots of atittude to dwell with. A community where I begun my journey. Since then, I have adopted massive of attitudes with different people. I always welcome their thoughts and opinions without thinking its effect; render most of the time playing games; going outside with no reasons; and other social doings as a teenager. Until such time, I realized after having everything, my life has no value at all. Thinking those nonsense actions made me feel empty. How could I come up with my dreams if I am only focussing to those bilge hobbies. As years goes by, I put away myself from being foolish. I change everything what mades up my personality, I've began thinking on how can I improve myself. I started learning from my mistakes and inspires to become a professional one.

Let us not end up everything with failure. We must aim higher always and not stay on a chintzy manner. Although There are many ways of having some improvements in life. Good examples are:

  • being motivated
  • determined one
  • trustworthy enough
  • wise thinker
  • productive person
  • courageous at all time
  • patient
  • dedicated

Having all of those virtues will surely make your life meaningful. It's not difficult to have, it is us who makes it hard to do. Step by step, apply those different values in yourself for sure you can attain what you want in life.

"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can!" -Arthur Ashe

What can IMPROVING brought to your life??

Of course, having some improvements, it is obviously a great fulfillment for one another. No one in this world doesn't want fulfillment in their life, everybody needs it. We must process every destination of our life in a manner of setting goals but without improvements it would be useless at all.

Success without fulfillment is the ultimate FAILURE -Tony Bobbins


Once you have already felt the improvements within you, you already have the courage to believe in yourself. You have manage already the respect of your own. You have the dignity to keep on going overcoming your dreams, that's how self-esteem works.

No one can make you INFERIOR without your CONSENT -Eleanor Roosevelt


Having happiness in human's life is such an astounding feeling in our part. Happiness is what we are always aiming since now and then. And one way to have it is when you have do some improvements in yourself. You can be happy in the sense of knowing that you are near into your goals.

Happiness is not something ready made. Itcomes from your own. -Dalai Lama


The very important thing you can have in improving is learning. Once you want to ameliorate yoruself, learnings will partake in most instances because how can a person attain to become successful if he/she didn't learn from the mistake on the past. Learning some aspects in life gives you more strenght in continuing your journey.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. -Mahatma Gandhi


I have been undergoing improvements since now and then, for I know I can be a professional someday. We are all the same being, what makes us different is how we push through our lives. Have it easily by simply improving. Put yourself in a way that you will be satisfied, never surrender for simple reasons. As I leave you this quote;

Improving might be a long process but quiting is not a reason for speeding it up.

Sincerely yours,

