The road to success : Hunt goals (Chapter 3)

in #life8 years ago

Last chapter :  The road to success : A memory inside a memory (Chapter 2 : Granny's Narcissus story ).

I start this chapter with 10th September 2k16 : The 15th March 2012, It's 8 pm in real life time, in this happy country  lying on my back, looking to the sky, but not counting stars, like always my mind is busy with my thoughts so I can't count them, I can't even figure out if I'm really looking to it ( the sky ). My soul is in my body but my mind isn't there, maybe an airplane can attract me, I like flying but I'm not interested in airplanes because I think : if you are already in an airplane so you're already in the sky but I can see the you in the sky but you can't, because you only know that you are in it not see if you really are. So it's favorable to me to stay on the ground.

Thinking already about my life and realizing a lot of things that I wanted to do last time, I started to believe in the idea of changing, chasing dreams, the question that everyone knows is : What do I want to be in the future ? especially when you are a young man. Every time I used to think like that, something was about to happen, so the stories that I write don't become randomly. There's really a ton of memories in my mind.

Thinking about was going to happen, my mother was pregnant so when I was looking to the sky I thought about being a big brother, it doesn't matter if a boy or a girl, what was bothering me is being a big brother. Everyone wants his brother or sister to become better than him and have an easier life, so even if my life was easy to me I wanted an easier one for my brother or sister, like I loved him or her before he/she was born. I didn't really know what does it need to be easy, I was a little afraid because I thought about my brother's dreams, and what the life is preparing for him. I wished I could ask him about it. But first, I didn't realize my dream yet.

I thought about goals, and what does it mean to achieve a goal and what is the difference between realize a dream and achieve a goal, I remembered what I've done recently and also the older people that I knew and I used to watch, I started with them. I started to analyze, it's funny to say that but my mind worked like I was running a C program on Visual studio for the first time, if they realize their dreams why they wouldn't stop working, they have another dreams ? No I don't think so but maybe they really have a bunch of dreams to realize. To understand the things more and more I returned to myself and what I did to be where I'm, if I've done all this and I'm still going up so there's another dream that I'm following right now but I don't know it, or my life did not change yet so what I have done was just achieve a goal !. That's it, to realize my dream I must find and complete missions that are called goals. Do not despise it because without goals you'd never realize dreams.

" It's already 12 am and it's getting cold here I must go inside ". That's what I said after a long time, I came back inside the house to find no one ! I knew it was my mom, I called my dad and then ... Surprise ! I'm a big brother for the 2nd time and he's a boy, how lucky am I ?! All my guesses went true and I must keep planning for his life. So I don't follow dreams, but really I hunt goals ! and with the second one I grew up faster.

Do not worry for my brother he's 4 years old and a half right now and he can read this post but I wish he will understand it later, also I think, or I'm sure he will be better that I :D.

( If you like write you impressions in comment, if you don't, tell me to stop writing that :P )