in #life7 years ago


Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live - Norman Cousins.

If you ask me, I'll say either way death happened. The gravity I won't delve into for the sake of relativism but death itself I'll address albeit personality-less.

Brief Intro...

I have had the wonderful opportunity of witnessing 45days great days this year and I planned for none. My gratitude is beyond words. During the course of this short period, so many people I know have died. It's like death was waiting for 2018!!! So this got Mofe musing...

I'll go on now to address the elephant in the room.


Death a.k.a The Life Snuffer.
You’ve thrived through times and seasons.
You seem to have infiltrated the current year albeit new, perfectly and made your home uninvited.
It’s amusing how you are non-living but living, existing but non-existent.
No one welcomes you but your entrance is inevitable and needs no welcome.
You simply come in and make yourself feel right at home?
Young the year might seem, you have made yourself known in every nook and cranny.
This is true because hardly a day went by this year without me hearing your news (and I am not a news fan).
What do you really hope to attain from your roamings? Death?

I want to know though.
It’s raining love all day today (14th February), will you show up again or spare this one day?
Your service is so seamless, network providers could learn a thing or two from you but definitely not take on your nature.
With the amount of destinies you’ve consumed the world should be able to understand your purpose by now.
Yet you evade reasoning, defy purpose and snatch more destinies.
My 97 year old great-grand-mother has been calling on you for years, you have always found a way to skip her.
You seem to be more interested in those that have no need for you.

If you were human, I’ll try to understand your personality.
If you were a book, reading you might have made me understand.
If you were a dance, your steps could be learned.
If you were a building, we could deduce your structure.
But you evade us, having no form or posture.
Science got a sound for you though, the beep at the end of the long horizontal line.

You Now Own A Sound

With grace, you leave lifeless bodies in your wake without a thought.
Your fear has made the stupid useless and the wise live every moment to the fullest as though their last,
because we know your time-table is only known to you.
You are expected but always manage to come unexpectedly.
You come unannounced but your doings are announced.
All we might get in advance is a premonition.

R.I.P to known and unknown loved ones and those that have died in the course of survival this year. They say the after life is luxurious, I hope you are favoured into the right corner.


Knowledge of Self like being BORN AGAIN

I am not sure I totally understand your reply.