What is means to love ?

in #life8 years ago

Who ever thought about what it really means to love? On it you can talk endlessly, as well as about how the universe began. However, for each person individually notion of love. Whatever it was, but it is full of harmony and serenity, though it appears all at everyone differently. Unfortunately or schatyu I do not know what love is, although it seemed to me that I loved. I was in a relationship 2.7 years, and had to do everything for the sake of the man. It will soon be a year since we broke up and in all that time I realized that it seems I did not love. Now I have the opinion that if love exists, then this is for me a sense of unattainable. And I do not know if I ever fall in love with someone else. During all this time I had no relationship, I did not want them, but in recent years boils in me something, and I want to find the man with whom I would be comfortable. But I interrupt this feeling, because I know this myself. I can any day to drop everything and go off and no one will know that with me, and where I am, and to hurt the person who has feelings for you do not really want. Therefore, at the moment this is the only dilemma that bothers me. I do not know what to do with him. I think that sooner or later she will give me the fate of a man in whom I will be so much need, and at the moment I'm living a free life and move towards your goals that I want to perform. And now I want to address is the question of the relationship. I must say, I do not believe in a long-distance relationship. Who in the world are so many lies, and you have no any guarantees that a person dear to you is not lying. Especially it rocks male. Now the boys need just sex and nothing more. Because of this, many girls go bad, and it is difficult to find a really good girl and closed. Since the guys hung them to deceive, and they all believe it, wearing rose-colored glasses, and thinking that everything is fine. And after a long night they understand that it was sex and nothing more. This is very disappointing. And after all this guys complain about the fact that few faithful women, and begins a discussion of one of the persons to whom and how many times she slept. Since we ourselves are doing it, and then complain about it all. You should begin with themselves. I do not deny the fact that there is quite an extensive amount of girls who are readily available, but among them there deysvitelno good and faithful, but since we are doing wrong, and then we get what we deserve.

but even if you have got any kind of relationship, how to keep them? First basic rule - a relationship built on trust, not trust, you eventually say goodbye to each other, and it will be no more than fragments of the memory of your happy moments in your head. Secondly it's natural awareness of the one and the other side for what you need all this, and now most people start a relationship "to be". 

And of course do not forget about the sincerity, it plays almost the most important role in this. Do not tell lies its second half, if you're feeling lost, do not waste time and wait until the person is even more experience to your senses. Talk about it and solve the problem. And certainly more to treat male sex - do not change your girlfriend, if you chose to be with her, it makes her happy, and she will do everything for you so that your way of life was easy.

All love my friends!