Spirit molecule

in #life8 years ago

DMT or dimethyltryptamine scientifically - psychedelic substance, which can cause a person powerful enough auditory and visual hallucinations, creating the illusion of staying in some other world, where even the time is perceived differently.

In small doses of DMT is produced by the human body through the pineal gland. This very small organ located in the center of the brain, and to this day, very little studied.  For the first time, research work pineal gland and properties of DMT started Szara Hungarian scientist. Back in 1956, he decided to inject himself a small dose of dimethyltryptamine, and later described in detail their feelings.

Initially, the effect of the substance was like the thrill of receiving mescaline or LSD. However, doubling the dose, Dr. Szara able to describe some very interesting effects.

Also quite common in psychedelic physiological symptoms - mild nausea, trembling of the limbs, dilated pupils, increased heart rate and increase the pressure, there were interesting visual hallucinations. All surrounding objects suddenly appeared "loops", then all space is filled with unbearably bright patterns, vaguely reminiscent of eastern, and then before the eyes of the scientist began to unfold rather unusual scenes from the life of other worlds. Persons of all the participants of the action as if they were hidden behind masks. All event was so spectacular that Szara, he said, completely lost sense of time and reality. Only 45 minutes later, when the action was over DMT, a scientist came to and was able to describe everything that happened to him.

Dr. Szara continued investigation of the effect of DMT per person, already with a few young scientists who volunteered to participate in the experiments. Here's how to describe my feelings, some volunteers:

The young man told me that all of a sudden the world was filled with bright colors, a sense of ease and hovering above the ground. The entire room was filled with some kind of weightless creatures that seemed to man perfume. The sensation of flight was memorable, however, he admitted that he was glad to be back on solid ground when the effect of the drug is over.

Sensations women were quite different. She saw two shining silent gods, welcoming her. Around was amazing ringing silence, and the woman was so good in this new world that did not want to return to reality. All the cares and worries retreated, and she felt infinitely free.

Later, in the 90-ies was conducted another series of tests DMT effects on human consciousness. The experiments were conducted in the State of New Mexico University under the guidance of a psychiatrist Rick Strassmann. As a result, it was found that many of the subjects under the influence of the drug told about his meetings with certain entities, which they described as "assistants", "Elves" or even "aliens." It looked as being different - some looked like dwarfs other clowns met even bees and cacti.

But the experience of all participants agreed on one thing - they were convinced that they were being seen by some inhabitants of other worlds or parallel realities, in which the door opens and DMT.

Perhaps all of the amazing experience of the subjects are the result of the work of their own subconscious, and that this can be attributed to such dissimilar experiences of different people. But it may be under the influence of DMT man really acquires the ability to see the worlds that exist parallel to our own. What makes our brain dimethyltryptamine? What he opens the door? Perhaps these doors lead into the depths of his own soul, and may allow to penetrate beyond our world. All this is yet to be explored for future generations of scientists. 


Interesting post! The effects of psychedelics on the brain is a topic of interest to me, not because I use them but because of the changes to peoples personalities upon their use. Many people report an increased sense of well being. The changes to brain chemistry from these experiences is likely quite pronounced, and much greater understanding of how it works could come out of its study.

yep ! that is it ! Thak you for reply !

You are welcome, keep up the good posts!