🏃Astral Projection🏃
Hello Steemians!
Nick is reporting 😉
I've been doing some studies and researches about Astral Projection(Lucid Dream) and the spiritual world overall and i found so many connection between the lines that my mind blows every time that im starting thinking of it right now.
Whether you believe me or not , you experienced astral projection consciously or unconsciously.It's just basically means leaving your physical body and do literally whatever you want by creating your own experience out of it.Don't be scared!
What is Astral Projection?
- First of all you need to be 100% open and react for this kind of information with at least basic understanding.
- Essentially it's a process when human consciousness leaves physical body temporarily and functions independently.
- While physical body remains calm, relaxed and passive throughout .
- Roughly 9% of our population experiences it every single day with or without realizing it.
- While this process you connection to higher consciousness levels and feel so awake and absorbing more data than your physical body is capable of doing so.
- If you interested in this high conscious experience you should read more about OBE ( Out of Body Experience) or Lucid Dreaming.
⚠️ Is it dangerous?⚠️
The quality of awareness during astral projection can vary greatly. Sometimes lucidity is high and you are aware that everything you are experiencing in the dream is just happening in your head, and that there is no real danger. You know that you are in bed asleep and will wake up shortly. In low levels of lucidity, you may be aware that you are dreaming but maybe not enough to know that the people in your dream are just representations; or that you are actually in bed and can suffer no harm.

Possible Dangers You Should Know
Although no evidence shows that lucid dreaming is abnormal or unhealthy, some side effects may occur. Just remember that dreams occur from your subconscious mind and it is best to avoid recklessness. These effects may include:
- Dissociation from reality: Lucid dreaming may cause you to create barriers between dreams and reality. You may have trouble seeing the difference between fantasy and reality and between your subconscious and conscious mind.
- Distancing: People who have reported to have lucid dreams may feel distancing from others. Some people do not know anything about lucid dreaming. Some people may think it is crazy or weird. Then the people who have lucid dreaming may experience distancing. However, anyone can experience lucid dreams and no one should be judged when they admit they experience lucid dreaming.
- Accidents during lucid dreaming:Some people have accidents while dreaming. It is therefore important to know how to handle lucid dreaming properly to avoid harm.
Problems on waking up:Sometimes, when you are having lucid dreams, you may find it difficult to wake up. - Exhaustion: Some people have the habit of overdoing lucid dreaming. They have many lucid dreams in one sleep. If this happens to you, you may feel tired or fatigued because you may not be getting enough good quality sleep.
Signs That Astral Projection Is Doing Harm on You

Is astral projection really dangerous? Just based my own experience and couple years of practicing it :
- Activities and everything that you experiencing can be fogged and seems more like a dreams when you coming back from it.
- You feel some kind of connection between those dreams and real life and may experience familiarity of the places you have been.
- You can actually don't recognize your relatives , family members and friends.
- Some projections or objects may seem to you unbelievable and not true.
- You are literally forgetting important moments of your life.
What is the Difference Between Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projections?

- When you are Lucid Dreaming, You become aware of your dreams and you are able to do whatever you want in your dream as long as you maintain the Lucid State, which is not easy!
- When You are Astral Projecting You are awake, although your Soul leaves the Body.
How You can Astral Project?

- I will share the easiest and the most effective way to Reach astral Projecting State.
- Millions of People have tried this method and Hundreds of thousands have succeeded.
- There are many books written, studies and research made on this topic.
This method is Called:
The Rope Method.
- When You astral project your Soul will always be Connected to your Physical body with a White/Bluish rope.
- That's the link between your Physical existence and a soul.
- Best time To reach astral state is in the morning, right when you wake up!
- Try to use the least amount of Energy possible
- Play Deep Theta Binaural Music Something Like This:

Common mistakes doing astral projection. #MyExperience

We begin to study astral travel. What mistakes do novices allow and how to launch an intention?
I realized that a person who wants to break out into the Astral, but he does not get it, always makes some minor mistakes. First, it divides the world into physical and subtle. It is necessary to perceive one as the continuation of the other and vice versa. To understand that 2 concepts unite and connect the word "peace". In order to learn to enter the astral plane, you need to understand: You will continue your life in the Astral, and then return to the physical body and live with the memories of the nightly adventures.
Secondly, the one who can not go to the Astral does not keep his emotions and thoughts under control.
Astral travel. What mistakes novices allow? Thirdly, a beginning practitioner takes the exit from the body too seriously. Goes to bed or after a sleep applies Rainbow practices, but nothing. "Roll-out of the body" does not happen.
Thirdly, the beginning practitioner takes the exit from the body too seriously. Goes to bed or after a sleep applies Rainbow practices, but nothing. "Roll-out of the body" does not happen.
When I realized that I was being scared by goal-oriented practices to get out of the body, I began to exhaust myself physically, that is, I did everything in order to quickly switch off. I could finish the project, which requires my strength and nerves for a couple of hours before sleep, plus everything to wash the dishes, be sure to take a hot shower for complete relaxation of the body and lean back "without hind legs."

It started to work. After 10-15 minutes I fell into a dream and after 5 minutes stood next to my physical body. At first I could not get out of the apartment, then I learned how to open the window and encourage other travelers to talk with me. Then I realized that you can immediately imagine yourself in any place ... anywhere ... even on another planet. A quick enough thought, and I found myself there.

Note that astral travel for beginners is possible only when they are ready to meet in a more subtle world than ours, with their fears. But do not worry, everyone does it. All will rise to the surface from the depths of your dark side. Besides, being in the astral body, you will experience real courage.
Exit to the astral. Practice of the first lesson
Astral travels. Errors of beginners and launch of intention. Before going to sleep, say: "Tonight I will leave the physical body and get there ... something there." Choose you. It's unlikely you want to hang around the physical body and watch it snore or turn over from one side to the other. Think of something more interesting. Guess to see some actor, fly, visit the spacecraft of another civilization, view the past life, talk with the guardian angel, etc. Choose one thing. Funny, fly over the city with other astral travelers.
Conclusion: form a clear intention.
About 4-5 o'clock in the morning it is easiest to make astral trips. Give an order to your astral body that it will come out of the physical at this time, and you will remember everything that will happen to you during the relegation.
There is enough information for today. Till tomorrow!
P.S. You can always wake up ... at any time.
I don't know about you guys but i f**king love Spirit Science. I'm watching his videos again and again and again and still getting some useful information and self actualizing myself every single time.
Check out this episode about astral projections.
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Thank you for stopping by and reading my posts!! Leave your thoughts about this topic in comments below.
Have you experienced astral projection?I wanna hear your experience.

Love your post, keep on opening everybody's third eye!
thank you ! if you go deeper into this field you could actually see that tremendous changes ahead in the history of humanity. Our new generation of indigos and psychics are literally changing and opening the new(old) perspective of the things and shifting our divine connection to the high consciousness level.
We live in a great time!
I experienced/studied this behaviors for long now and every thing you said here is write! That 4 to 5 am is absolutely amazing and true as I have reached the same answer in my analysis. Also in that timing the body natural time switches from sleep to awake and the Kundalini starts shooting up energy all along your spine cord and into your brain where you go from sleepy and tired to fully awake and crisp. It is like awakening while you are awake :)). If you can direct that energy to experience an out body journey then that's a lot of control. I personally experienced once the flying soul and I literally saw my body asleep as I was elevating up and out of my room into the outdoor and continued to elevate till I saw the city then the globe in a crispy and lucid vision that makes HD tv look like gameboy screen lol but I got scared and was always looking back to my room and managed to return back and when I was about to enter my body it stuck and my jaws locked in a twist and I remembered about how the face could be dis-configured if you enter incorrectly and so I was scared shitless but then there was nothing I could do so I surrendered and woke up with my jaw locked to the left, horrified, I tried to stir it back with my hand and after a few attempt it unlocked to my relief...phewwwwwww ... I guess I was dying according to your post :O wow
i felt goosebumps while reading your story.
Keep studying and practicing it more! But with more open-minded consciousness .
I would suggest you to try psychedelics such as DMT or ayahuasca which can directly send you to the high consciousness and open your eyes about the reality that we exist.Google that first and good luck on your further journey. It changed my life dramatically :)
:)) hehe, I will! thank you :)
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I feel there is another danger. When your spirit leaves your body as an empty vessel on the bed, its lying there with all doors and windows wide open. Other spirits can enter your body while you are out exploring. This should be practiced with caution.
But still a very good and informative read.
Indeed, there is a bad part of it. It depends on the level of connection between your soul and spiritual dimensions.
If you create that bad environment around you it would literally affect to your experience directly.
So it's totally about the figment of your imagination and the meaning that you are constantly putting in.
Explore and research it more :)
thanks for sharing you thoughts !
take lsd
dmt is better 😎
you have things to learn if you're still evaluating psychedelics on a hierarchy
indeed, i truly believe that we gotta learn always. By my own experience by comparing these two psychedelics i can tell that i liked DMT experience more coz of the side effects of LSD and it's harmfulness .
sounds to me like you've never taken lsd.
I've done both. Hard to lucid dream, it takes practice .I have astro travel and I like doing it but it take me longer now since I do not do it everyday. I started as a kid and would just float around my room now I can travel my city.
Good read, I have the lucid dreaming down but definitely not astral projection. One habit I have for sure is the loss of time. Some nights I have a dozen dreams with all different time frames - some dreams can last a week and some a few hours and some a few minutes. It's enjoyable when I have the long ones because I wake up feeling like I've had a week off of work or reality in general, but sometimes I come back and have a hard time separating the dream from reality :/
for you all hehe
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awesome and extremly well put together article! nothing will hurt u unless u think it will or your just being a asshole so u have 2 experiance bad karma 2 force u eventually to examine wait a minute why am i doing this!?