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RE: Whatcha doing? (a plague of over-communicating)

in #life6 years ago

This is still a bit of an odd concept for me, perhaps because we didn't grow up with this level of technological communication, so we still do things the old way. Imagine not being asked for your phone number, but you're facebook account instead! Yet I guess four younger generations, this is the new reality. I think it may also be a bit slower to be the norm here, because there are areas in Australia where you're out of mobile range, so we're still used to doing things the old way when it calls for it.

You're so right about it being good to have something to catch up on at the end of the day. That's what hubby and I do, face to face, rather than via text. Perhaps our children have picked up the habit a bit, because my eldest actually talks to her closest friend on the phone instead of just texting her. Not sure about my youngest, though. None of us are big facebook users, either, so I forget to check there for updates on friends when they're away and just message occasionally instead. I was wondering, today, how all the mum's at gym knew about what our friend had been up to on her break, until I realised it had been coming up in their Facebook feeds. I was waiting for her return to hear all about her trip.

Posted using Partiko Android


Imagine not being asked for your phone number, but you're facebook account instead!

I find this really weird, too :/ Whenever someone asks for my FB I know I'm not going to have a good time with that person. And I don't get why they don't ask for phone numbers - I mean, it's the same device you're using there, dude. And I think people are more likely to answer a call rather than a message....But maybe that's just me.

. Perhaps our children have picked up the habit a bit, because my eldest actually talks to her closest friend on the phone instead of just texting her.

Oh that's really good <3 Phone calls are a dying thing, I feel and it's a shame because they're this amazing invention...So is real life, for that matter.

I was waiting for her return to hear all about her trip.

Well yeah, but you'll have stuff to talk to her about, as opposed to the others, right? :)