Gratitude in Our Daily Lives

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Why are so many people so unhappy with their lives on a daily basis? Are you one of those people who seems to always be chasing after that unattainable goal, leaving you frustrated and depressed? Can’t seem to understand why you are always miserable, taking your anger out on friends and family and coworkers? I deal with these types of people every week as a mental health therapist working with children and adults. There are many factors that can lead to these types of feelings, but we have to start with a fundamental part of our existence. Gratitude is something many struggle with as they work their way through school and up the career ladder, or on the hunt for employment. Gratitude is something most us forget about or can’t seem to find. A simple daily gratitude exercise is something we all need to practice in order to feel more comfortable with ourselves and the world around us. Take a couple minutes in the morning to think of a few things that you are grateful for before starting your day. It sometimes feels like it may not be much compared to others, but we have to understand that it is just enough, and more than enough if we understand gratitude. Be grateful for the roof over your head, the food on your table, and the people who surround you. Think in terms of your needs versus your wants. Needs are necessary and wants are not. Be grateful for the air that you breathe and all the beauty that nature has to offer.


Be grateful for your talents, abilities, and strengths. If you’re uncertain about what these are, then you need to explore and experience all the world has to offfer until you find these thing within yourself. Gratitude can lessen your daily struggles and help give you strength to overcome challenges by building strength from the inside out. Be mindful of what you have right in front of you rather than obsessing about what you don’t have or what your neighbor or friends have that you can’t afford. Remember that there’s always going to be someone that has more than you, but remind yourself that there is always someone with much less than what you have. Daily gratitude can help us realize that there are much more significant riches than the ones that can be purchased at the store or through the internet. The wealth that surrounds us in our daily lives is more than enough once we learn to utilize gratitude and appreciation! This understanding can help you live a happier, more fulfilling life, and be content with all that you presently possess. Let peace, love, and happiness fulfill you.
