My Introduction - Hello Steemit ( Bilingual )

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Dear Friend Steemit!!
Greetings friends steemit it all, previously allow me to introduce myself as a new Member at steemit, and I will break down with as best as possible! More and less kindly understanding visibility all comrades.


My name is KARMILA, I come from aceh, the place of birth I Alu Bili Rayeuk village, Cot Ara on 15-Sep-1995 and now I am settled in the village of Cot Ara Baktia, in district of West Aceh Utara.

I am a graduate of SMAN 1 TANAH JAMBO AYE, and now I've lead a lecture on IAIN MALIKUSSALEH LHOKSEUMAWE, the Faculty of the Department of Dakwah KPI "(the Islamic Broadcasting Communication)". And Insha allah I've been leading up to the final stage of my college, now I also mention duties KPM as Sorority end is "(Outreach Activities)".
My activities now in place in the village of the Township of Bandar Jaya Subdistrict Bener Meriah. And thank God I had already passed the days I've had a couple of weeks, and may God always gives the best for me, and always in my health to give in the face of all this.


Actually it's been a few months ago I found out about steemit, but don't understand how to use even the way it works so that it is my intention to join comrades all even my beloved main @alghazalifahmy also delayed, and in the end I start asking what sort of performance at steemit it correctly and what steemit that, after he explains the start I was interested with social media steemit, then I immediately join the register myself as a new Member in the steemit.
Of the various things that are already in explain by he @alghazalifahmy about steemit, it turns out we're not the only on steemit just work the bole? The rest of them:, utopian-io, steepshot, DTube, DMania, etc.



Therefore I must learn first how to post on the steemit is good and right, and its not wrong to put her #hastag, as well as highly influential by the hastag steemit, anyway he is also already explained, in steemit as you work your heart for as long as I am without you "Copy Paste" the content of the stories, postings or other people's work, the rest make your paper as best as possible! Terimakasi @alghazalifahmy I make willingly create struggled to recognize with social steemit, much less ask his guidance to me from the senior steemian, and I also appreciate the help of his steemian all.



The first Intro from me, when there are errors or my words less precisely, please comment below. GREETINGS FROM MY INTRODUCTORY
" KARMILA ( @miela ) "


Perkenalan Saya (Hallo Steemian)

Dear Steemit Friend!!
Salam kenal kawan-kawan steemian semuanya, sebelumnya izinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan diri saya sebagau anggota baru di steemit, dan saya akan mengurai dengan sebaik mungkin! Lebih kurang mohon di makluminya kawan-kawan semua.


Nama saya KARMILA, saya berasal dari aceh, tempat lahir saya Alu Bili Rayeuk, desa Cot Ara pada tanggal 15 - September - 1995 dan sekarang saya menetap di desa Cot Ara di kecamatan Baktia Barat Aceh Utara.

Saya lulusan dari SMAN 1 TANAH JAMBO AYE, dan sekarang saya sudah menjalani kuliah di IAIN MALIKUSSALEH LHOKSEUMAWE, Fakultas Dakwah jurusan KPI "(Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam)". Dan insya allah saya sudah menjelang tahap akhir dari kuliah saya, masa sekarang saya juga lagi menjalani tugas KPM sebagai mahasiswi akhir "(Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat)".
Kegiatan saya sekarang di tempatkan di desa perkampungan Bandar Jaya Kecamatan Bener Meriah. Dan alhamdulillah saya sudah melewati hari-hari saya sudah beberapa minggu, dan semoga Allah selalu memberi yang terbaik untuk saya, dan selalu di berikan kesehatan untuk saya dalam menghadapi semua ini.


Sebenarnya sudah beberapa bulan lalu saya mengetahui tentang steemit, tapi tidak mengerti bagaimana cara menggunakan bahkan cara kerjanya sehingga niat saya untuk bergabung dengan kawan-kawan semua bahkan kekasih saya utamanya @alghazalifahmy juga sempat tertunda, dan pada akhirnya saya mulailah bertanya seperti apa kinerja di steemit itu dengan benar dan apa steemit itu, seusai ia menjelaskan mulailah saya tertarik dengan media sosial steemit, maka saya langsung ikut mendaftarkan diri saya sebagai anggota baru di steemit.
Dari berbagai hal yang sudah di jelaskan oleh beliau @alghazalifahmy tentang steemit, ternyata kita bukan hanya di steemit saja bole berkarya? Selebihnya di antaranya :, utopian-io, steepshot, DTube, DMania, dll.



Maka oleh sebab itu saya harus mempelajari dulu bagaimana cara memposting di steemit yang baik dan benar, beserta tidak salah menempatkan #hastag-nya, karena hastag juga sangat berpengaruh oleh steemit, lagi pula beliau juga sudah menjelaskan, di steemit berkarya sesuka hatimu untuk saya asalkan tanpa "Copy Paste" isi cerita, postingan atau karya orang lain, selebihnya buatlah karyamu sebaik mungkin! Terimakasi saya buat @alghazalifahmy yang sudi bersusah payah buat mengenali dengan sosial steemit, lebih kurang mohon bimbingannya untuk saya dari para senior steemian, dan saya juga sangat menghargai bantuan dari kawan-steemian semua.



Sekian dulu Intro dari saya, bila ada kesalahan atau kata-kata saya kurang tepatnya, mohon berkomentar di bawah.
"KARMILA ( @miela )".




Welcome to Steemit!

Wellcome ...
Thank you...

[-]welcome-to-steem (56) · 5 days ago
Welcome to steemit!
I am a bot built for the purposes of welcoming new users! You are receiving this message as you have used the #introduceyourself tag! I know that steemit may seem very overwhelming to you right now but don't worry. There's a learning curve to everything so just be patient and you'll be churning out posts and becoming a part of something great in no time!

Also if there are any questions that you may have, then just ask your questions on any of my blog posts and I'll be more than happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have! I will also be creating a basic starting out guide for all minnows and newcomers on my blog so do give it a read as that might help answer many of your questions!

Have fun and I wish you LOADS of success on here! :)

Also. you can call upon originalworks whenever something you post is your own content like this: @originalworks


Thank's you ...
I do with right in my post

Hi, I'm @edosweet. I stopped by to give you a warm welcome to the Steemit platform. I wish you good luck and many good things as you join us.

Welcome to Steemit @miela!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Thank's youuu...

hello and welcome

Welcome to Steem @miela.

Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchain works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.

All the Best!!!

welcome to steemit.. I am also new here. I join steemit today...

Salam kenal dari Medan..
Moga bisa berkarya semaksimal mungkin di sini :)

Semoga sukses miela (25)

Slmatt datang.. Smga sukses 🙏😀

Terimakasih ...
Mohon bimbingannya 🙏🙏😁😁