Being the Real Me / Self Online
I'm in the process of redefining my professional projects online and learning how to be more authentically me. Like: No bull$h!t or wanting to impress / prove anything to anyone. I find it refreshing not to.

We want to impress people to make them think we are a certain way. People can feel threatened by our successes or perceptions and then do the same - impressing things on us. We end up hiding behind facades and identities online and only 1% of real life comes through. Or we go the other way and share things for pity and/or attention - ping ponging in emotional experiences without resolve. We also lie and warp information... gosh, we can be manipulative creatures!
Look I'm not saying don't share your nice photos and stuff, more look at WHY you're doing it and WHO ARE YOU in it. Sometimes we share and do things online to feel or come off a certain way to people when we are someone different in real life. And real life always has a way of showing the truth so why not redefine yourself in a way that supports the best of you?
Awesome Michelle