Make Your Life Better

in #life7 years ago

Stephen Covey says "I am not the product of my circumstances but the product of my decision" I used to live like the dead alive I do not do the right thing, but I am trapped from all sides and my soul dies slowly and then I did not realize this thing and I thought everyone was living the same way. But they continue because of the circumstances or the material, we all abandon our dreams because of the fear of change.

For many years I wished I would do something different but I envy those who live on helping others but I thought that this is my fate and my way. I did not understand that I chose my way every day and did not try to do anything better, or to become a better person and just to live miserable.

Know that every day you have the freedom to choose how you live your life whether you are conscious of it or not. To live a happy life is not very complicated.

Today I am happier; I have chosen a new path and have taken it seriously. My life has not yet become wonderful, but I have begun to become part of my dreams with the help of others.


Five ways to make life more wonderful:

1- Focus on communication rather than idealism

  • Know that you are under a lot of pressure to make you look perfect; try to live in perfect health to be a perfect parent, ideal employee or ideal partner.
  • I used to wake up at 5:30 am doing exercise or meditation exercises to feel you are in a higher order and then go to work early.

All these things require time and effort, but it does not make you happier, but life becomes less enjoyable and joyful because it takes you away from the time you can spend with your loved ones. Life becomes more wonderful when it focuses on communication rather than idealism. People and relationships bring us happiness and enrich our lives.
Stop listening to that cryptic voice that tells you that you have to do more, practice more and work harder with you doing it already but always asking you for more. You need to spend time with your favorite people before time runs out. Human relationships are the most important thing in life.

2- Keep and share your own values

Do you feel that something is wrong but you do not know exactly what this thing is? You may have a job interview and everything looks fine but you feel it will not work or meet a new person who looks nice but you do not feel comfortable with him, there is something, something that can not be described.

Most of these times you feel that there is something wrong with your own values.
But that does not mean there is a conflict between your own values ​​and those of others
That feeling is a sign that there is something that needs to be changed.

I will tell you a story that happened to me when I accepted a job with a large material return in an organization and I accepted it because the organization aims to help people, and that is what I want to do too.
Over time I found that the way the organization is helping people does not correspond to my own values; publishing and implementation policies do not satisfy me. I want to write to people directly to motivate and inspire them, and I can communicate with people, but the organization appreciates building and structuring governance. Ever since I noticed that difference in values, I have become happier and things have become easier.

3- Make fear an incentive:

Several years ago, I read an article written by a retired senior executive from a major institution who said that he worked hard for forty years, during which he spent many hours and hours of time with family and friends, but ultimately found it was not worth it. It is unfortunate that man loses his life in vain and that the time for change is over. I have always kept that story in my mind, especially when I tend to take the easier choices. I introduce myself to some of the motivational.

Do I waste my life uselessly or is this really what I want?
Is what I want is difficult or scary and what will happen if I was not brave with myself.
Let fear of not try Fear of remorse and loss of your life meaningless Let fear become your motivation.

4- Do not believe in signs:

Have you ever asked yourself is something happening is a signal from the universe? Here is the bare truth about the subject of cosmic signs or signs. There simply is not this thing; Falcon does not send you anything at all. When a person believes that there is a sign that supports or encourages a particular path, it means that an event or position supports that choice. Let me explain more to you, did you ask yourself one day and you are going to the market to buy chicken for lunch and I find it has run out - is this a sign of the universe to stop eating! You just choose another category and that's what happens in general. You change plans to reach the desired goals.

If Adison Bala gave the signs, we would now swim in total darkness. The teachers saw that he was a stupid child and did not understand anything. He was separated from elementary school because of his inability to achieve and assimilate and failed to make the electric lamp a thousand times. He explained that he did not fail but learned a thousand steps to make the lamp. Keep moving to your dreams even if it takes a thousand steps.

5 - Do not stop dreaming:

Do you know what Walt Disney and his team did? They used to unleash their imagination and dream to come up with the best possible ideas. The dream was the first step. In the world of dreams everything is possible and there is no room to evaluate ideas and classify them into wonderful and silly ideas. The next step was landing on the ground where Walt and his team were thinking of putting it on track.

Then came the stage of criticism and face problems and knowledge of errors, and the development of the cost of the project. They encourage people to dream, but not dream without planning to realize those dreams.

Let me make you more frankly that may be shocking to you. There are no barriers that hinder you from hinder yourself. Think of a good idea and then start to put obstacles to implement and jump to your head justifications such as the difficulty of implementation cost a lot of money and others. With time turning to the stage of criticism before the dream is afraid to dream things you can not achieve My advice to you do not listen to the voice of criticism inside your mind, which tells you that you are not good enough.

Here are some facts

You are a good person like others and like those who dream of being like them the only difference is to insist on dreaming; having a wonderful life begins to dream of. But dreaming is the first step. You must strive to achieve your dream and not just sit there waiting for your dream to come true if the truth is that you have the freedom to choose; to choose the wonderful life or to die alive.


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I like the way you put it! You want to write to people to motivate and inspire them - and that's what you did in this post! Unfortunately, some people who need help may be unreachable. It's either due to illiteracy or their hearts are still closed. Thanks for your inspiring post, Michael.

To me, the only way to have a better life is to keep learning everyday: day planning, read books, watching docu., and stay change. :)

Interesting .. I really liked it
Thank you for these tips .. Just work and be good with yourself and the others around you
Thanks for sharing

You bring up some great points here, I'll def keep them in mind :)

ty :)

same feeling

Thanks a lot for the pieces of advice Michael, really helpful.

The most point I like is "Don't stop dreaming" and this is true because yesterdays dreams became today's achievements and the same thing in everyone's life (yesterday thoughts became today's personal projects.
Even if I faced any problems and got depressed, dreaming is the best way to re-think and going forward again :)

thanks very much @mino.gris :)

Great Post @michealmorcos, All thanks to Stephen for this.

I have come to realize that the only force/person that can stop a man is "man himself."

The day a man decide to take responsibility for his life, that day is the day he is just getting up from his sleep.

Dream is not what we see when we sleep but what we see that keeps us awake even at night

thnx :)

There will always be a place for us somewhere, somehow, as long as we see to it that working people fight for everything they have, everything they hope to get, for dignity, equality, democracy, to oppose war and to bring to the world a better life.

interesting post...make life more better is the best idea...
thanks for sharing...