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RE: Do You Define Yourself Free ?

in #life7 years ago

Thanks a lot for your comment.

I think your limits of freedom can be abused. I mean, you can find yourself in person B unintentionally any minute. Or the majority could be restrict minorty. But if there is no abuse, I agree you.

And about being free, your definition is quite strong. But in government issues, no one can satisfy everybody. So in your definition, there is no way to make everyone free. But I don't think like that. Because, even if you do not agree with the some rules of laws, you can still be happy. Harmless happiness.

I mean, you don't drink Starbucks coffee but the new law says all Starbucks coffee shops must be closed. And you do not agree with that. You can still be free, still have harmless happiness.


I like it - freedom as "harmless happiness" is an interesting concept. I will have to think about this more over the next few days. Deep stuff!

Take your time my friend. Thinking is our best way.

And arguing too. I hope I can see your ideas in future.

Thank you.