Steps on the Journey

in #life6 years ago

I’m so grateful you're taking time to invest in yourself and take your First Step in this amazing of your Journey.

You are absolutely Beautiful and amazing, and I love you.

We all have a calling, that is part of us but is often silenced by us and muffled out by our personal life events and fears. I had a calling that came from the same divine spark that everyone has when they came into this life. This is my calling and I'm on my path with you right now! Amazing isn't it :D

There is a book called "The Top Five Regrets of the Dying" about people in Hospice who said their top regrets, they wish they had the courage life the life that they were destine to live that they knew they had a purpose small or great that they came into this life to do. That they had signed up for something other then to just fit in and go along in life, letting their fears and doubts hold them back. Just following someone else's rules in the rat race of modern society.

Most of us don't allow our selves the freedom to listen to that internal voice within us that is part of us, those callings that we know are so important to us to do. Don't wait to long as you may die with your music still inside you as Wayne said.

Most of the time we ignore it or make up many reasons to why we can't do it or excuses... WE are part of this divine intelligence that speaking to and even though you ignored it, suppressed it, and denied it. It is still there waiting for you.

When I started on this path everything in my entire life started shif, and things started to show up in my life and it will for you too. The person you wanted to meet shows up, you find happiness within, you travel to where you want, you write that book, you see life with new eyes and wonder why the hell you waited so long :D  Everything in my life shifted and showed up unexpectedly and kinda befuddles me as it does and I laugh :D

We all ready know you have a purpose, and you may have taken a step or two, but if you haven't take that first step and admit you don't want to, but do it anyway. If you have taken a step or two, GREAT take another, and another each day every step take you further on your journey, the block in your path is the path. Work around it, wait, back up try a different angle, ask for divine help and meditate. Do your internal work. Keep reading Steps to Awareness :)

My life has ebb and flow just as the tides do. Life goes on, don't stop. Take action, show up, Lean into it, Start ANYWHERE, Keep doing things, Get out more, Ask for help, meet new people and most importantly GIVE MORE HUGS <3

If you haven’t yet, please take another step and sign up for our Daily Steps Email, because, we sometimes need a sign post for our journey to help guide you every day. A boat with no star to guide it may take to long to reach it’s destination.

Wish you a beautiful week and can't wait to hear your comments.

In Gratitude, I wish you awareness of Peace, Love, Great Health, and Abundance there in you, Always,

In Lak 'esh, Michael