INTUITION MONDAY - Be the change

in #life7 years ago


#intuitionmonday No.2

“We do not attract what we want; we attract what we are. The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi makes clear that “it is in giving that we receive.” Giving aligns us with the way our Source of being acts; consequently, the universe offers us experiences that match our giving, supportive nature.” - Dr Wayne W Dyer

In-tuition. We all crave to have a guide, a confidante that helps us understand what to do one moment to the next. This is often the reason why we seek out lovers, usually why we consult a tarot deck, or talk to friends endlessly about our life and issues. Yet we have the guide we seek, much more honest, much more real, and way more accurate, right inside of us. But we struggle to trust it. And that is why we continue to struggle through life feeling sometimes like a chicken without a head and at other times like deer stuck in the headlights.

The trick is to keep it simple, to declutter our lives and our minds so that we can listen clearly. Our inner guide is always talking, nudging, urging. And it knows exactly what is right for us.


You see, we are vibratory beings. As quantum physics has pointed out to us everything is vibration and pure potential. As soon as we look, as soon as we focus on one thing and close our attention to the rest, we materialise a single outcome. But also, since we are vibration and pure potential, we can trust that the world around and in us is connected to that vibration through the fields of vibration that we emit. And so Life will bring about exactly what is good and fitting to the vibration we hold.

Inner tuition, or intuition, is our perceptive link to the wider field of potential outcomes and specifically guides us in line with the vibration we hold. You can trust, therefore, that the inner voice talking to you will bring you exactly to that which you want. The key here is to be really real with what that vibration is. We can wish all we want, but the reality of our here and now is what will create the feedback from the world around us.

As a wise man once said, “be the change you want to see in the world” (Mahatma Gandhi).