Shhh... don't tell em

in #life6 years ago
If we are friends and you've given me a few minutes of your time, there is a good chance I blasted your ear with some sort of "amazing idea". Of course, how amazing it is, is quite subjective and chances are most are not, but that's not the point. I'm always sharing things with people, project ideas, improvements for an existing one, etc. Why? Why don't I protect them? Why do I share? Am I crazy?

Well the answer is both yes and yes. I am crazy, yes to that, and no to the yes, because I just confused you and that was part of the plan anyways. I just don't care that much... I mean, I do care, but I don't care about holding on to the idea as some sort of silver bullet that I need to save for the right life or death situation.

I think, but I could be wrong, that most people hold on to amazing ideas because they fear they will never come up with something better. If I was to think that, if I was to give into the idea that my brain outputted it's last cognitive sound thought and I just wasted it gifting it, I'm kind of accepting some negative things about myself that I'm not even willing to consider.

In other words, It would be implied that I'm done learning, that I won't grow in knowledge, that It was a fluke, not something that came out of my brain because I've been accumulating some wisdom from other people, that it was mine alone, that it wasn't because someone taught me something that evoked those thoughts. Do you see what I mean? I have to believe in some crazy things in order for those thoughts to make sense and I'm not willing to do so.

Here is the funny thing though. Most people in the world will tell you to guard your ideas, they will tell you that opensource is stupid, that you must sign NDA with the bartender before you take the third shot. So, as you can imagine, when I've told some of my friends that I'm always handing out crazy ideas to people with the potential of making them true, some of them think I'm crazy and naive.

Naive? Why? Because every transaction I make has to mean money? Because every idea I've shared has to mean profit? ... Naive? - I could only accept that word if I thought that the people who I've shared them with owed me something, if I believed that if they were to implement the project, such implementation had a percentage that belonged to me, but... I don't think like that... I never have.

If it's a good idea, if it can help, if it can make the world a better place, specially here, on this freaking blockchain, don't be a scaredy cat, don't worry, more will come, share it, scream it to the winds. Allow the world to have it, it's not really yours anyways and that is just the sad truth.

I'm sure there is someone out there with some ideas in their minds that would change the world, but they are not ready to let go. I'm sure a few of them never see the light of day too. Imagine that! What a freaking tragedy, right?

Listen, my friend. Let go, I promise its liberating...

• On it's way to Colorado - Meno is now crazy series
• Crazy vlog Im giving away my stuff
• Just pay for the shipping and its yours
• A late phone call with mom
• So... you noticed, huh?

I had a similar conversation with someone once, if I developed a special set of instructions that cut cpu use and wattage by some significant amount. Would I patent it and only have it inside my own cpus? or would I open source it and allow everyone to take advantage of the drop in power use and increased efficiency.

I said I would allow anyone and everyone to use it.

Because efficiency is more valuable than profit.

They called me a fool, still not sure who was correct.


Don't take it the wrong way , ideas are dime a dozen .People who actually act on it and persist to make it something meaningful , not dime a dozen.

How do I know ? I have a ton of ideas but....

hhahahahah well me too... hence why I'm always sharing them, because sometimes someone can run with it, actually build something out of it, while with me its just an idea.

if you gonna act on it in near future..guard it ..otherwise put it out in universe.

One of my favorite examples of the open source ethos is

They are making a complete set of blueprints for all of the machines that are necessary for creating and maintaining a modern civilization.

oh that is awesome, i did not know that!

The thing is, you have to judge the idea by how close it is to being realizable. I can say things like "Oh we should go to the moon", and that could be a great idea, but that doesn't mean it's patentable or that I should guard such an idea with an NDA :P

IDEAS!!!!!! it depends. they could be worth something. It could not. doh.

Most people guard them like they are mail order brides with questionable ethics.. i mean, we are in cryptoworld, so not so much here.. but outside of cryptoworld.

You let the cat out of the bag on this one ;)

hahahhhhaah nice pun - ninja points for you

I've come up with more ideas (whether they're good or not remains to be seen) than I could ever act upon, sharing them with others is often the only way to get them past the idea stage. For me at least, talking ideas out with others is also one of the best ways to refine and develop an idea, keeping it secret rarely helps with that. Besides, if I can think up an idea, sooner or later someone else will too, so what good does keeping it a secret really accomplish?

Precisely right!! what does it accomplish?

Nothing good as far as I can tell. I could understand it with a few things, say the recipe for Coke or Pepsi, but beyond that it don't get you anything. I suspect ego, greed, and unrealistic expectations may have a lot to do with the whole secrecy mindset...

So many ideas.
It's the only reason I'm excited about the idea of having a tonne of money when steem moons.
There are concepts in my head I never imagined I'd have the time and money to explore.
Steem at $10 means the light cane gets made, $20 steem opens my pool hall...

yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus!!!!!!! steem to 20 i'll come visit you crazy Aussies

I remember my parents owned a knowledge dictionary called"The Encyclopedia Britannica." There were twenty or so thick volumes, and they contained knowledge about everything in the world. They were amazing, but they dated immediately, and if you checked them today, you'd probably discover that the US President is Ronald Reagan.

The open source Wikipedia whipped Encyclopedia Britannica's closed source ass lol. In a way, it's sad, cos those volumes seemed marvellous, a set of books containing the knowledge of everything, that you could own.

But the thing you don't own, the open source knowledge of Wikipedia, constantly self-corrects, and expands. It knows shit that happened an hour ago. It is infinitely superior.

Open source wins.

Scaredy cat-ism is not about hogging ideas. It is the thought that wikipedia already knows everything. What on earth could I add? Lol.

hahahah true... i guess I share the stupid ideas too. If you were to ask some of my dev friends, they will tell you im in a cloud half the time, but I try... One day I might find some gold!

But listen, we are we not adding ideas in here too? I mean, I'm sure I've written some stupid stuff, but there's a percentage there that must be valuable to someone.... So, I just share it... leave a little foot print behind.

You got a 48.52% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @meno!