The Red Tent

in #life7 years ago


I was having breakfast as is my habit of a morning. I was flicking through the crypto feeds and marvelling at Steem's meteoric rise to a new All-Time High when the good lady came and sat opposite me with a face that spoke of great concern.

I raised an eyebrow roguishly at her.

Oh aye young Missy, you look worried? Do you want to sit on Daddy's knee and feel his money bags?


She rolled her eyes. Somewhat unfairly I thought.

So Boomster. Remember we talked of me taking the Doula training?

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. I rolled them so hard that for a brief panicky moment I thought one got stuck facing my brain.

Of course darling and I support you ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.

I smacked a hand down on the table as if I was a pirate who had just won a hand of Breeks or Keeks.


She paused as if mustering up the courage to continue. I knew that this was a ruse, however. The dragon aspect of the good lady would never lack the courage to burn her man to a crisp with mere words.


The training is at the end of March. I have to apply to see if I will be accepted.

She made a face as if squeezing out a particularly troublesome poo.

Do go on my dear.

I said magnanimously, waving a hand regally as I spoke.

There are only two questions on the application, I've got the first, which is all about describing who you are and the journey that bought you to this point in life.

I made a snorting noise like a horse who has just choked on a roasted hogs penis which was still a little too hot from the fire.



Exclaimed the good lady looking miffed.

Nothing lass, carry on, sorry.

The second question is, "What drew you to the Red Tent Doulas?"

I looked at her, she looked at me. We both tried not to giggle.


Said I innocently.

I just really don't know what to put, I am not as good at writing stuff down as you are.


I closed my eyes and absorbed the flattery. It felt like butterflies made of spun gold banging off my face. Reluctantly I opened my eyes and faced the task at hand.

Give it here.

The good lady handed over the chromebook.

I rattled feel-good drivel and positivity nonsense into several paragraphs in about a minute. When I was done I raised an eyebrow at the Good Lady and handed it over for her to read.

She looked at it in awe. It was quite the masterpiece if I do say so myself.

Is that ok?

I asked.

She grinned a big ole Daddy is the King of all processed meats grin.

It's amazing, thank you, honey. I will send it right now.

You might want to take out the bit about dressing in the saucy-saucy for your man, third line from the end?

She quickly scanned to the end.


She exclaimed affectionately. I fired imaginary pistols at the ceiling.

That's right Mommy.

I winked.


Wow always turn a situation (no matter what)into an interesting read...remember your piece about Turkey and The good lady demise there? bad experience however my lovely gentleman turned it to a good steemit read and still politely refused to visit the country (for now I guess)....I have a new post about etherdelta demise in my blog-and a new alternative (yesterday) maybe you can read it and send in your advise...uncle boom is always welcomed in my territory even with his cane!!!! Wish you more success.

I had a look! I have never used ED. It always seemed really put to me. Will check out this new one though!

Great.. and you get their tokens (for free) while trading (being active there)...a good way for gentlemen to make more money ...

Hehe, that is very true!

Charles the red ten is interesting !

Hahahahaa, that's great. For such a normal exchange, you really get to the hilarious teasing aspect of your relationship. I hadn't found you until now, but I'm very glad I did... I think I can learn a lot about writing and generally being hilarious from you...

Well thank you very much that is quite the compliment!!!

You're welcome. It's extremely warranted though... I'm sure you just whipped this up, but it's still more entertaining than the vast majority of content on this platform. I'm rapt to find someone who injects so much humour into their work.

I put a bit of work in to maximise the humour but I do have a way with the words I have been told :0)

Uhm. Yea.

I (like the good lady) want to write more like you. :)

Then my boys (the good sirs) can come to me asking for help in a similar manner.

Hehe, the good sirs - I like it!!

In march, hmmm. Is this a week end deal or a longer term? Who looks after the kidlets while she is away? You know the crying babes who miss momma? And do they actually study in a RED TENT?

It's a weekend!! So it will be daddy day care that weekend. I get all the good jobs!! :0)

You can learn to be a Doula in one weekend?

Lol, no. That is the introductory weekend. There is all manner of shenanigans after that. Mentoring and distance learning and stuff

After that you will be living with a Doula!

I know!!, it's mad!

Meesterboom ,my hat off ! Great artistic work!

What kind of horses do you have over there?

The next time I'm over there, I might think twice about renting a couple of horses for a ride through the hills. I might not return!!!

The old Christmas carol with a twist "... Hog nuts roasting on an open fire ..."

You might return missing important body parts more like!!! Yeek!!

Lol, that would be a fine song :0D

The second line is a doozie ....

Jack Frost nipping at your hose.

It's all downhill from there

It would go further downhill than anything I could dream up!

It would definitely be downhill with a maimed horse. Beware of the horse-maimers of the world.

So I just had to google Red Tent Doulas, you know just to see, it looked absolutely terrifying.

It does to me, I really do think they will bodysnatch get and send me back someone who looks the same and acts the same but isn't the same!!!

You could seriously turn the interactions you have with your wife and daughter into a novel sized book. It definitely seems like something that I could imagine on the comedy shelf.

Maybe even a TV show. You know the kind of show where you can sit back drink a beer and watch you deal with the Doula and the nappies and your favorite new dirty bucket. ;) Hope you are well.

Haha, I would love that to be the case!

I have almost got the bucket gone!!

She made a face as if squeezing out a particularly troublesome poo.

You sir win the 'show, don't tell' literary award :)

Great post, as always, too many giggles, but the above line was brilliant.

Hehe, a face everyone can instantly imagine! :OD

She made a face as if squeezing out a particularly troublesome poo.

That is a face we all know...

It is indeed, something everyone can identify with!! :0D

If you want to understand any woman you must first ask about her mother and then listen carefully. ... The more a daughter knows about the details of her mother's life - without flinching or whining - the stronger the daughter.” I hope you enjoyed my little upvote

Thank you, yes I did :0)

Thankfully, I want to know nothing of her mother!