
Late night for you mate! You'll be grumpy at work. :)

It is a late one! I'm in the first hour of my birthday :OD

With the one advantage of no work tomorrow!! hehe

Birthday? What madness is this?

I was only talking to tarazkp last night about you and I wondered how old you were. No answer required, but I said early 40's, but with the visage and physique of a man much younger...Body like a Spartan soldier.

Happy birthday dude. Don't get too blootered...Just a wee bit.


I am on the bloootered wagon!! Although I think I might be getting off and into bed.

Sadly I have just passed the hump of the mid forties, sob what cruel indignities the world heaps on handsome men :OD

You'll pull-through mate, champs like you cannot be held down!...But you'll need more naps. Lol.

More naps and earlier beds and less carbs. Shit man, it's all mounting up!! LOL!

Ah no worries yet... Just when you cross that big 5 0...that's when everything starts to go!

I'm truly on the slope downward now. I have the forboding!!!

Ye gods, the less-carbs thing is the worst!

I know, man, I think I can get away with one these days!